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Title: | 幼教親師關係品質之探究 The study of Parent-Teacher Relationship Quality in the preschool |
Authors: | 簡雅萱 Jian, Ya-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 Hsu , Lien-En 簡雅萱 Jian, Ya-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 幼兒教育 親師關係 關係品質 幼教親師關係品質 Early childhood education Parent-Teacher Relationship Relationship Quality Quality of Parent-Tteacher Relationships in preschool |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:43:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 美國幼教協會(NAEYC)在Developmentally Appropriate Practice(DAP)中,反覆強調良好家園夥伴關係對幼兒發展之重要性;家長參與的研究亦指出,親師或家園關係會影響孩子的成長和學習成效。然而,國內探討幼教親師關係品質之文獻甚少,少數親師關係品質之研究,則沿用顧客關係品質之概念,忽略教育現場之脈絡與特徵,因此,本研究旨在探究幼教親師關係品質之特徵與意涵,建構出幼教親師關係品質之構面,並歸納提升幼教親師關係品質之關鍵。 本研究訪談自覺親師關係良好的幼教老師與家長(6位公幼教師及6位家長)。彙整訪談內容後,搭配相關文獻進行分析與探討。 主要研究結果為:(一)幼教親師關係之本質與顧客關係不同,親師關係並無主客意涵,雙方地位平等、皆為主動方;關係中的第三方「幼兒」,為親師關係的核心。(二)幼教與小學親師關係有所不同,幼兒園保育與教育並重,小學著重學童同儕關係與課業成就;幼兒園親師關係距離親近,小學親師關係距離較遠。(三)優質幼教親師關係之主要特徵有:互動頻繁、自在親密、重視幼兒觀察、積極合作、視為夥伴。(四)優質親師關係之構面為:(1)人際關係:自在、親密;(2) 任務關係:信任、合作、益友。(五)優質親師關係之促成因素為:(1)使用正向言語順暢溝通、(2)帶著信任與感謝的合作支持、(3)親密的情感藍圖、(4)相近的情感基調、(5)正向的貢獻評估、(6)關心並密切觀察幼兒的成長、表現與反應、(7) 建立清楚的親師互動原則與共識。 本研究提出可提升幼教親師關係品質之行動綱領:(一)視幼兒為雙方關係中最重要且優先的主體。(二)真誠、真實且自在的互動。(三)雙方願意清楚建立原則,適時彈性調整。(四)「重視關係」的態度與行動。 In Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) repeatedly emphasizes the significance of strong home-school partnerships in children`s development. Research on parental involvement also indicates that the parent-teacher relationship can influence children`s growth and learning outcomes. However, there is limited literature exploring the parent-teacher relationship in preschool education in our country. The few studies that have examined the quality of parent-teacher relationships (QPTR) often adopt the concept of customer relationship quality, overlooking the context and characteristics of the educational setting. Therefore, this study aims to explore the characteristics and implications of the QPTR in the preschool, construct dimensions of parent-teacher relationship quality, and identify key factors for enhancing this quality. This study interviewed six preschool teachers and six parents who perceived their parent-teacher relationships as positive. The interview content was subsequently analyzed and discussed in conjunction with relevant literature. The main research findings are as follows: (1) The nature of the parent-teacher relationship in preschool education differs from customer relationships. The core of the parent-teacher relationship revolves around the "child." (2) The parent-teacher relationship in preschool education differs from that in elementary school. The parent-teacher relationship in preschool education is closer, whereas in elementary school, the relationship is more distant. (3) The key characteristics of high-quality parent-teacher relationships include frequent interaction, a sense of comfort and closeness, value placed on observing the child, active cooperation, and viewing each other as partners. (4) The dimensions of high-quality parent-teacher relationships consist of (A) Interpersonal relationships: comfort and closeness, and (B) Task relationships: trust, cooperation, and mutual benefit. (5) The facilitating factors for high-quality parent-teacher relationships include (A) using positive language for smooth communication, (B) cooperative support with trust and gratitude, (C) an intimate affective blueprint, (D) similar emotional tones, (E) positive contribution assessments, (F) caring and close observation of the child`s growth, performance, and responses, and (G) establishing clear principles and consensus for parent-teacher interactions. This study proposes an action framework for enhancing the QPTR in preschool education: (1) Prioritize and consider the child as the most important and primary entity in the relationship. (2) Engage in genuine, authentic, and natural interactions. (3) Both parties should be willing to establish clear principles while maintaining flexibility when necessary. (4) Adopt an attitude and take actions that prioritize the importance of the relationship. |
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