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Title: | 自媒體創作者之集體勞動意識與行動 —以網路自媒體從業人員職業工會為例 The Collective Labor Consciousness and Action of Self-Media Creators:The Case Study of Network Self-Media Practitioners Union |
Authors: | 許湘藟 Syu, Siang-Lei |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 許湘藟 Syu, Siang-Lei |
Keywords: | 網路自媒體從業人員職業工會 自媒體創作者 數位勞動 Network Self-Media Practitioners Union Self-Media Creators Digital Labor |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:42:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2015年被定義為「自媒體元年」的開始,隨著數位科技日新月異,網際網路實則打破時間與空間的藩籬限制,造就數位平台蓬勃發展,誕生「自媒體創作者」新型態的非典型勞動者。然而,在幕前展現耀眼奪目的工作和生活,幕後卻是孤軍奮戰的辛苦和汗水,面臨著Web2.0中心化平台的所有權掌控,自媒體創作者是身為數位平台的「生產性消費者」,如實呈現數位勞動的雙重特性是兼具「剝削」與「賦權」同時存在的現象,勢單力薄的創作者如何和資本雄厚的平台對等抗衡。基於,前台北市警局少年隊長吳春沂於任職期間切身經手諸多和數位平台發生糾紛的實務案例,從而號召有志者共同爭取自媒體職業化並且籌組首間職業工會,直至2018年「網路自媒體從業人員職業工會」正式創立,是「臺北市網路自媒體從業人員職業工會」暨「新北市網路自媒體從業人員職業工會」合稱,使自媒體創作者的個別勞動權得以受到政府職業勞工身分的認可納入我國社會保險體系,亦得以透過團結具有行使集體勞動權的機會。 本研究聚焦調研「網路自媒體從業人員職業工會」作為數位時代的代表性工會,面對逐漸模糊和消逝的勞資界線,工會團結不再如同過往傳統戰鬥型工會,以發動爭議為手段、要求協商為目的,在數位平台確實僅是中介服務提供者並且自媒體創作者實則為自營作業者的市場背景下,深入探討會員在「勞動型態」的宏觀、對「勞動意識」的理解、經常遭遇的「勞動議題」等「個別勞動」面向,如何連結影響工會整體在「集體勞動」面向的實際行動。最後,省思數位時代集體勞動權的未來趨勢,同時提出工會得以著重在「勞動權益」、「教育訓練」、「技能檢定」、「工作機會」、「政策倡議」等五大面向,由內而外、由下而上以11項軟性作為讓工會回歸「常態性本質」,為會員爭取應有的權利、享有的福利、獨具的優勢、多元的機會,發自內心對工會產生認同與歸屬,持續茁壯擴大規模,成為網路自媒體最具影響力的非營利組織。 The year 2015 is defined as the beginning of the “Self-Media”. With the rapid advancement of digital technology, the Internet has effectively broken the barriers of time and space, giving rise to the flourishing of digital platforms and the birth of “self-media creators” as a new type of atypical labors. Although the work and life in front of the screen are dazzling, behind there are filled with the hard work and sweat. Facing the ownership controlled by Web 2.0 centralized platforms, self-media creators are exactly the “Prosumers”, and also demonstrate the dual characteristics of digital labors “exploitation” and “empowerment” at once. How could a single creator compete with a capital platform? On the basis of the phenomena, Wu Chunyi, the former head of the Taipei Police Department`s juvenile squad, experienced many practical cases of disputes with digital platforms during his tenure so that he called for those who were devoted to working together to fight for the professionalization of self-media and to organize the first occupational union. Until 2018, the “Network Self-Media Practitioners Union” was formally established. This has made it possible for the individual labor rights of self-media creators to be recognized by the government as professional workers and included in the social insurance system, and also to have the opportunity to exercise collective labor rights via solidarity. This study concentrates on the “Network Self-Media Practitioners Union” as a representative labor union in the digital era. In the face of the gradual blurring and disappearance of management and labor boundaries, the union no longer uses disputes as means and demands negotiation as goals, like the traditional combat-oriented unions. In the context of the digital platforms which are merely intermediary service providers and the self-media creators are definitely self-employed workers, we discuss in depth through “individual labor aspects”: the members` macro view of “labor type”, their understanding of “labor consciousness”, and the “labor issue” they often encounter are all connected to the actual actions of the union as a subject in the “collective labor aspects”. In the end, we ponder over the future trend of collective labor rights in the digital era and propose that occupational unions should focus on five major aspects, such as “labor right”, “education training”, “skill assessment”, “job opportunity”, “policy advocacy” with executing 11 soft actions from the inside out and from the bottom up to return occupational unions to their “normal essence” and also to fight for the rights, benefits, unique advantages, and diverse opportunities that members deserve. The union will continue to grow in size and become the most influential nonprofit organization on the Internet. |
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