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Title: | 疫情前、期間之物流風險管理的手段和建議 – 以個案研究物流公司 Methods and suggestions of logistics risk management before and during the Covid-19–Cases study in logistics companies |
Authors: | 葉澤揚 Yeung, Yip Chak |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 Tsai, Cheng-hsien Jason 葉澤揚 Yip Chak Yeung |
Keywords: | 新冠疫情 物流 風險管理 Covid-19 Logistics Risk management |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:32:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 新冠疫情肆虐全球至今將已有三年之多,各行各業被疫情都有很多大程度的影響。至於疫情對台灣的物流業者的影響也不少,對於物流業來說疫情所帶來的風險非常多。此時,物流風險管理顯得更無比重要,故此,本研究主要為探討在疫情前和期間物流業者的物流風險管理所面臨的挑戰與手段,以及本研究使用個案研究法的方式進行訪談調查。本研究一共訪問了五家有提供物流運輸服務的物流業者,向他們提問關於在疫情期間面對的風險和在疫情「前」和「期間」風險管理流程的相關問題。 本研究把訪談內容整理後,發現物流業者們主要面對疫情政策限制、運輸能力不足、人力資源不足等風險。再者,本研究各受訪公司的風險管理方式有大程度的不同之處,而發現他們的物流風險管理在疫情前和期間存在很大程度的不同之處,經過各個案比較,本研究認為乙公司的風險管理流程為所有受訪業者中最好。本研究認為疫情為特別的大型事故,無法根據過往經驗進行參考。因此,本研究的結果能夠提供物流業參考和檢討自身的風險管理流程,亦希望為未來相關研究定下重要基礎。 The global world has been affected by Covid-19 over 3 years, difference industries have such great influences during Covid-19 pandemic. For logistics industry in Taiwan, there are so many risks to logistics industry. At that time, logistics risk management(LRM) is very important in Covid-19. Thus, the aim of this paper is going to recognize what different of 5 logistic providers(LPs)’s LRM between “before Covid-19” and “during Covid-19”. According to their response, this paper uses case study research to analyze what efficiently organizes the content of interviews. After the organization, we discovered LPs who were mainly facing the risk of government regulations, lack of transport, manpower, etc. Moreover, their risk management was entirely different, also their LRM were totally different between “before Covid-19” and “during Covid-19”. On the other side, Company B’s risk management process is the best of all cases. This paper indicated that Covid-19 was a special crisis in history, so we could not refer to any cases in history. The last but not least, the result of this paper could provide the logistics industry to consult and review their own LRM process and also hope the result of this paper could set an important base for future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 110358001 |
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