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    题名: 不同廣告訴求對一般大眾捐款意願的影響
    A Study on Effects of Donation Intention Under Different Advertising Appeals
    作者: 王鈺婷
    Wang, Yu-Ting
    贡献者: 邱志聖
    Chiou, Jyh-Shen
    Wang, Yu-Ting
    关键词: 非營利組織
    Non-profit organizations
    Advertising appeals
    Implicit theories
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-07-06 16:30:31 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 非營利組織需透過行銷策略將組織理念傳遞給一般大眾,以吸引民眾進行捐款,讓組織得以持續運作,並在社會上發揮影響力。而廣告為常見的行銷工具,因此本研究針對非營利組織的廣告內容進行探討,並給予不同類型非營利組織撰寫廣告時建議。

    本研究將內隱理論包含之成長心態及定型心態運用於非營利組織的廣告中,並針對以提供弱勢族群教育機會的教育型非營利組織及協助心智障礙者得以自立生活的慈善型組織作為研究對象。本研究採用 2 (教育型非營利組織、慈善型非營利組織) × 2(定型心態、成長心態)實驗研究設計,藉此探討不同類型非營利組織,採用不同心態廣告內容,對於一般大眾的捐款意願影響。另外,本研究將捐款意願拆分成認知態度、情感態度、行為態度及信任程度 4 個構面進行分析。

    本研究部份假設獲得支持,即在依變數為認知態度及信任程度時,教育型組織採取成長心態廣告,能提升一般大眾的捐款意願,而對於慈善型組織,無論採取何種心態廣告,並不會對一般大眾的捐款意願造成影響。本論文亦在最後以提供東南亞移工教育的非營利組織 One-Forty 作為研究結果案例佐證。
    Non-profit organizations need to convey their organizational values to the general public through marketing strategies to attract donations and sustain their operations. Then, they can exert influence in society. Advertising is a common marketing tool. This study focuses on the content of advertisements for non-profit organizations and provides recommendations for writing advertisements for different types of non-profit organizations.

    This study applies the concepts of implicit theories, including growth mindset and fixed mindset, to the advertisements of non-profit organizations. The study focuses on educational non-profit organizations that provide educational opportunities for underprivileged groups, and
    charity organizations that assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in living independently. This study executes a 2×2 Experimental Design Research to discuss the impact of different types of non-profit organizations and mindset-based advertising content on the donation
    intentions of the general public. Also, the study analyzes donation intentions in four dimensions: cognitive attitude, affective attitude, behavioral attitude, and trust.

    The hypotheses of the study are partially supported. That is, when the dependent variables are cognitive attitude and trust, educational organizations adopting a growth mindset
    advertisement can raise the general public`s donation intention. This study also provides the non-profit organization One-Forty which focuses on Southeast Asia migrant worker education, as a case study to support the research findings.
    參考文獻: 中文部份

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