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    题名: 台灣面板光電業策略性轉型-以I光電股份有限公司為例
    Strategic Transformation of Taiwan`s Panel Optoelectronics Industry-Case Study of I Company
    作者: 周煌智
    Chou, Huang-Chih
    贡献者: 郭炳伸
    Chou, Huang-Chih
    关键词: 面板光電產業
    Panel Optoelectronics Industry,
    Core Competencies
    Competitive Advantages
    Innovation and Transformation Strategies
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-07-06 16:26:52 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 面板為整體科技產業發展的重要基礎一環,近年隨著各應用場域之長足發展,加上現代消費者日愈重視生活品質及智慧化顯示等需求,促面板產品朝更多元創新規格發展,也使整體產業環境競爭日愈白熱化,而中國業者近年在政府大力支持下,生產面板已躍升成首位,2020年後全球佔比已過半。台廠在此產業環境下,如何從南韓、中國等業者強烈競爭中找出具較高成長動能之利基市場,規劃創新轉型策略以獲取競爭利基實為關鍵。
    一、 探討整體面板產業之市場競爭現況及發展趨勢。
    二、 研析台灣面板業者如何建立核心能耐及競爭優勢。
    三、 分析台灣面板業者面臨強烈競爭環境中,如何規劃創新轉型策略方向。

    一、 台灣面板業者面臨各國同業技術及規模強烈競爭下,將追求具成長利基之藍海市場發展。
    二、 面板業者將從技術、生產製程、產業生態系等等多元面向,建構發展核心能耐及競爭優勢來源。
    三、 台灣面板業者因應產業發展瓶頸,將持續從更高附加價值應用領域,尋求創新轉型契機。
    The panel industry is an important foundation for the development of the entire technology industry. In Recent years, with the significant development of various application, as well as the increasing demand for modern consumers’ lifestyle quality and smart device, panel has been driven towards more diverse and innovative specifications. This has also made the overall industry environment increasingly competitive. In recent years, Chinese companies have risen to become the top panel manufacturers because of strong support from the government, and their share has exceeded half since 2020. Under such industry environment, how could Taiwanese companies identify niche markets with higher growth momentum from competition of South Korean, Chinese and other competitors, making innovative transformation strategies to gain competitive niches is crucial.
    The study mainly focuses on a representative panel company in Taiwan, Company I, to explore how Taiwanese panel companies respond to external competitive environments, planning innovative transformation strategies for various application in the post-pandemic era to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. The main research objectives of the study are as followings:
    1. Analyze the current market competition situation and development trends of the overall panel industry.
    2. Explore how Taiwanese panel companies establish core competencies and competitive advantages.
    3. Analyze how Taiwanese panel companies to make innovative transformation strategy when facing strong competition environment.
    After in-depth research of the case study, analysis of related industry development and research literature, the study has some important research findings as follows:
    1. Taiwanese panel companies will seek to develop growth niches for blue ocean markets under strong competition from various competitors of other countries.
    2. Panel companies will construct core competencies and competitive advantage from several dimensions, such as technology, production processes, industry ecosystem.
    3. Taiwanese panel companies will continue to seek innovative transformation opportunities from higher value-added application for industry development bottlenecks.
    參考文獻: 中文部分
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932030
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文


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