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Title: | 子女影響父母消費決策之前因與調節因素實證研究 The Antecedents and Moderators of Children Influence on Parents` Decision Making on Shopping: An Empirical Study |
Authors: | 日嘉瑜 Jih, Chia-Yu |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 陳江明 Hung, Wei-Hsi Chen, Jiang-Ming 日嘉瑜 Jih, Chia-Yu |
Keywords: | 兒童影響力 消費決策 包裝消費品 廣告行銷 Children’s influence Consumption decision Consumer packaged goods Advertising communication |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:19:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 少子化是全球化的趨勢,不僅改變了家長消費決策因素,也擴大了親子消費市場營業規模,觀察其中包裝消費品 (Consumer Packaged Goods, CPG) 產業快速成長且競爭激烈,而國內卻顯少有相關領域的實證研究。因此,本研究針對12歲以下的兒童家長進行訪談並比對過去相關文獻,分析歸納出三大構面變數,包括—產品外觀、功能、價值與價格與十一項假說,並再加入家長年齡、職業、平均月收入和家長教育程度等四項家庭背景調節變數,是以探討兒童影響父母消費決策之變數關係與其影響力。
研究結果發現,關於子女影響父母消費決策因素之所有假説中,除了美學價值與實用性二項為絕對因素,家長不受兒童影響之外,其餘九項 (含象徵價值、人因價值、引起注意、產品品質、產品獨特性、健康性、產品價格、主觀知識、促銷活動)則皆有正向顯著相關性。家庭背景調節變項中,家長教育程度在產品象徵價值與兒童影響力、產品品質與兒童影響力、產品獨特性與兒童影響力等三項假説中有顯著調節效果,此外,家長職業亦對所有十一項假説皆具有調節效果。最後,根據研究結果提出觀點討論、理論意涵與貢獻、限制與未來研究等,以供後續產學界之相關研究參考。 The worldwide trend of low birth rates has greatly changed the factors influencing parents` consumption decisions and expanded the consumption scale of companies targeting the parent-child market. Therefore, this study aims to explore how children influence parents` consumption decisions regarding consumer packaged goods and the extent to which this applies in the market. In this study, interviews are conducted with parents whose children are younger than 12 years old. By making comparisons with previous literature, this study attempts to analyze and generalize the factors of three dimensions, including product appearance, function, and price, as well as 11 hypotheses. A total of 377 parents were sampled and asked to complete a questionnaire for further research.
Among the 11 hypotheses on how children influence their parents` purchase decisions, the results show that parents were not influenced by children in terms of absolute factors, including aesthetic value and practicality, while the other nine factors (symbolic value, ergonomic value, attention, product quality, product uniqueness, health perception, product price, subjective knowledge, and promotion) all had a positive and significant effect on their decisions. Since the factors influencing parent-child consumer product decisions have been less explored in previous studies, this study is expected to contribute to the relevant literature and provide a reference for marketing decisions for companies in the parent-child industry. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 107356503 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107356503 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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