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    Title: 以創新擴散理論擴充模型探討對RPA新科技的採用決策
    The Research of RPA New Technologies Adoption Based on the Theory of Innovation Diffusion Expanded Model
    Authors: 樓大峰
    Lou, Ta-Feng
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Cheng, Yu-Ting

    Lou, Ta-Feng
    Keywords: 創新擴散理論
    Innovation Diffusion Theory
    Robotic Process Automation
    Artificial Intelligence
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:19:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要以「創新擴散理論(Innovation Diffusion Theory)」理論為基礎,探討企業對Fintech中自動化工具相關的流程機器人RPA(Robotic Process Automation)採用的決策分析。以有台灣企業為研究樣本進行調查分析進行實證研究。
    近年以來,對科技業與金融業最夯的英文字就是Fintech, Fintech 其實就是金融科技Financial Technology的簡稱,其範圍包含人工智慧(AI,Artificial Intelligence)、流程機器人(RPA, Robotic Process Automation)、電子支付、區塊鏈(Blockchain)、機器人投資理財顧問、P2P(Peer to peer)貸款…等業務,這些過去一直由金融業佔據的市場大餅,隨著時代與科技的進步,許多新創金融科技公司也趁機利用各種創新科技,想要加入戰局來競爭分食這塊金融服務大餅,針對此種新科技趨勢,希望透過資管的相關著名理論 – 「創新擴散理論」來分析其中Fintech自動化工具相關的RPA流程機器人的採用決策。
    This study is mainly based on the "Innovation Diffusion Theory" theory, and discusses the decision-making analysis of companies` adoption of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), a process robot related to automation tools in Fintech. Taking Taiwanese enterprises as research samples to conduct investigation and analysis for empirical research.
    Since the beginning of these year, Fintech has become the most popular English word for the technology and financial industries. Fintech is actually the abbreviation of Financial Technology. Its scope includes AI (Artificial Intelligence), RPA( Robotic Process Automation), Electronic Payment, Blockchain, Robot Advisor, P2P (Peer to peer) loans... etc., these market pies have been occupied by the financial industry in the past. With the advancement of the times and technology, many new financial technology company also took advantage of various innovative technologies and wanted to join the battle to compete for a piece of the financial service pie. In response to this new technological trend, it hopes to use the famous theories related to asset management – "Innovation Diffusion Theory" to analyze the adoption decision of RPA process robots related to Fintech automation tools.
    In general, the academic circles usually analyze and study the decision-making theory of new technology adoption based on the "technology acceptance model" or "innovation diffusion theory". However, the definition of factors considering the current innovation diffusion theory is relatively vague. In practice, decision-making should take into account more precise factors. , so this study hopes to expand the theory of innovation diffusion, hoping to expand the more precise elements, so that the analysis model of this case study can be closer to the practical application, so this case study uses the general model of innovation diffusion, and then expands more and more precise elements to develop A "New Diffusion Model of the Universal Model of Innovation Diffusion". This paper expects that the research results will be of great help to the evaluation and decision-making of various enterprises when introducing RPA process robots, an innovative technology.
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