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    Title: 一位台灣英語實習教師的身份協商研究
    A Taiwanese Pre-Service English Teacher’s Identity Negotiation during Teaching Practicum
    Authors: 何宜儒
    Ho, Yi-ru
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chin-chi Chao
    Yi-ru Ho
    Keywords: 實習教師
    Pre-service teacher
    Teacher education program
    Formal educational practicum
    Language teacher identities
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 15:21:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本質性研究針對一位假名為 Ting 的英語科實習教師,探究她如何在不同階段的實習過程中(包含師培課程及正式教育實習)對自己的語言教師身份(language teacher identities)進行協商的經歷。研究採兩個敘事訪談和多次非正式對話訪談,搜集 Ting 在不同階段的實習中所發生的故事。在正式教育實習中著重於她作為導師、英語教師、學校行政人員的經歷中,令她印象深刻的事件。研究結果顯示,Ting在與不同的實習輔導教師(mentors)與學生的互動之下,擁有自主權卻也面臨掙扎。她雖然有機會實現她的教學信念,但她也必須在輔導教師的限制下限縮自己的教育理念,這情況形塑了她作為教師角色的模糊與不確定感。而Priestley, Priestley, Biesta and Robinson (2015)的教師動能理論提供的架構,讓本研究檢視英語科實習教師在實習過程中的教師身份發展。藉由輔導教師、學生和Ting之間的關係和互動,呈現出Ting如何協商和建構自己的語言教師身份。
    This qualitative study explored Ting’s experiences in negotiating her language teacher identities at different stages of the practicum process, including teacher training courses and formal educational practicum. The study employed two narrative interviews and multiple informal conversational interviews to collect the stories that occurred to Ting at different stages of the practicum, particularly with a focus on her significant experiences in the role of a home-room teacher, English teacher, and school administrator during the formal educational practicum. The findings revealed that Ting experienced autonomy and struggles simultaneously in her interactions with different mentors and students. While she had opportunities to actualize her teaching beliefs, she also needed to navigate the constraints imposed by the mentors, which shape her ambiguous and uncertain sense of teacher identity. This study also adopted the teacher agency model proposed by Priestley, Priestley, Biesta, and Robinson (2015) to examine the development of language teacher identities of English pre-service teachers throughout the practicum process. Through exploring the relationships and interactions among mentors, students, and Ting, the study presented the process Ting negotiated and constructed her own language teacher identities.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108551004
    Data Type: thesis
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