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    Title: 風險承受度、感知繁文縟節、公共服務動機對我國公務人員創新行為影響之研究
    A Study of the Impact of Risk-taking, Red Tape and Public Service Motivation on Public Servants’ Innovative Behavior
    Authors: 葉馨
    Yeh, Hsin
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Yeh, Hsin
    Keywords: 創新行為
    Innovative Behavior
    Public Service Motivation
    Red Tape
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 15:20:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著經濟、社會快速發展與進步,私部門的創新能力被視為成功關鍵,同樣地,公部門會面臨到錯綜複雜的公共問題,公務人員必須要有創新的思維,才能給予人民即時又有品質的服務。公務人員的創新行為,不僅與個人特質「風險承受度」、「公共服務動機」有關,還會受公部門環境特有的「繁文縟節」所影響。
    本研究採用混合方法途徑,分別採用次級資料法與深度訪談法。藉由次級資料法了解公務人員的風險承受度、公共服務動機與繁文縟節對創新行為的因果關係,次級資料來源為第四期「台灣文官調查(Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey, TGBS-Ⅳ)中的第二波調查,共回收758份有效樣本。再以深度訪談法分析風險承受度、公共服務動機與繁文縟節對公務人員創新行為的重要性,共訪談6位中央及地方行政機關中之公務人員。
    With the rapid development of economy and society, the private sector’s ability to innovate is regarded as a key factor for success, as well as the public sector. Because the public sector will face complex public issues, it is vital that public servants should have an innovative mind in order to deliver immediate and high-quality services to the people. Public servants’ innovative behavior should not only be related to individual level “risk-taking” and “public service motivation”, but also related to organization level “red tape”.
    This study uses Mixed-method research, including secondary data research and in-depth interview. First, use secondary data research to analyze the relationship between “risk-taking”, “red tape”, “public service motivation” and “innovative behavior”. The source of the data is from the second survey of TGBS-Ⅳ, and 758 replies were received. Then, the study chooses public servants from the central and local administrative agencies of Taiwan to analyze the importance of risk-taking, public service motivation and red tape on the innovation behavior.
    According to the research, there are several findings: 1. Public Servants with strong risk-taking will increase innovative behaviors. 2. Public Servants with strong perceived red tape won’t have effect on innovative behaviors. 3. Public Servants with strong public service motivation will increase innovative behaviors. 4. Public Servants with strong perceived red tape will decrease public service motivation. 5. Perceived red tape can influence innovative behavior through public service motivation. 6. The internal customer’s resistance and the external customer’s suspection are the risks of innovation. 7.Outdated laws are a hindrance to public servants. 8. Public servants who engage in innovative behavior take into account not only public interest, but also individual interest. 9. “Manager’s support” and “independent thinking” are the key components of public servants’ innovative behavior. 10. The innovative behavior in public sector can be proactive, reactive and top-down, bottom- up.
    Finally, based on the above findings, the researcher provides practical suggestions related to public servants’ innovative behavior to the public manager.
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