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    Title: 真誠領導與教師積極工作態度相關性之後設分析
    A Meta-analysis of Correlation between Authentic Leadership and The Teacher Positive Attitude
    Authors: 徐華鮮
    Hsu, Hua-Hsien
    Contributors: 吳政達

    Hsu, Hua-Hsien
    Keywords: 後設分析
    Authentic leadership
    Teacher work engagement
    Teacher psychological capital
    Teacher trust
    Teacher organizational commitment
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 15:18:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究在於探討瞭解真誠領導對教師積極工作態度結果變項相關性之後設分析,透過中文、外文資料庫搜尋策略,以教育領域之學校組織之校長及教師為研究對象,截至2022年蒐集44篇研究文獻,使用後設分析方法,探討真誠領導對教師心理資本、信任、工作投入及組織承諾等教師積極工作態度結果變項之相關性,以作為分析真誠領導對各該教師積極工作態度變項之影響、相關性及相關程度。


    This study aims to examine the relationship between authentic leadership and teachers` positive work attitude in search of Chinese and foreign language databases. The study targets the principals and teachers of schools in the field of education as the research objects. As of 2022, 44 research articles have been collected, and the meta-analysis method is used to examine the correlation between authentic leadership and teachers` positive work attitude to analyze the influence, correlation of authentic leadership on each of the teacher’s positive attitude and consequences. Several outcomes variables are included such as teachers` psychological capital, teachers` trust, teachers` work engagement and teachers` organizational commitment, etc.

    The result revealed that there is a high correlation between authentic leadership of the principal and teachers` positive work attitude. As to authentic leadership to individual teachers` positive work attitude outcome variables, the correlation is from high to low: teacher trust (0.7427), teacher organization commitment (0.5734), teacher psychological capital (0.4716), teacher work engagement (0.411). Moreover, it was found that authentic leadership has a high effect value on teacher trust and teacher organizational commitment, and has a moderate effect value on teachers` psychological capital and teacher trust. Thus, this study shows that the principal`s authentic leadership affects teachers` positive work attitude.

    Based on the results, the study suggests that principals should apply authentic leadership demonstrate at school management, which will effect teachers` positive work attitude. Education department at the government should support principles to apply authentic leadership and develop relevant knowledge in order to cultivate themselves to meet challenges in the future. Given that there is a high correlation between authentic leadership and teachers` positive work attitude. Principals are encouraged to develop teachers` positive work attitudes, strengthen teacher engagement, build teacher trust, and enhance teacher organizational commitment to the school.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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