題名: | 台股 ETF 成分股調整績效研究– 以市值 100 億以上為例 A Study on the Investment Performance of Taiwan ETF Adjustment |
作者: | 陳興穎 Chen, Hsing-Ying |
貢獻者: | 謝淑貞 Hsieh, Shu-Chen 陳興穎 Chen, Hsing-Ying |
關鍵詞: | 異常報酬 成分股 績效比較 |
日期: | 2023 |
上傳時間: | 2023-07-06 15:14:55 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究根據指數公開說明書時發現指數調整會有三個時段分別為審核基準日、宣告日、生效日。此外,過往國內外學者證實指數於宣告日調整時,其變動成分股會產生異常報酬(Abnormal Return)。因此本研究先去探討成分股調整是否能藉由規則計算,進而整理成分股於審核基準日至宣告日、宣告日至生效日兩種期間的績效。在此我們採取樣本為「元大台灣 50」、「元大高股息」、「國泰台灣 5G+」、「富邦台 50」、「富邦特選高股息 30」、「中信關鍵半導體」、「富邦公司治理」、「元大台灣高息低波」、「元大臺灣 ESG 永續」。最終本研究藉由審核基準日至宣告日期間與宣告日至生效日期間的績效比較,發現納入股在審核基準日至宣告日期間績效更勝於宣告日至生效日期間;剔除股雖審核基準日至宣告日期間績效不如宣告日至生效日期間,但由於報酬率仍為正且勝率維持於一定水平之上,因此本研究認為市場在納入股、剔除股上皆領先反應。本研究建議投資者除了過往學者研究成分股於宣告日後股價反應順勢持有納入股、賣出剔除股之外,更能透過各 ETF 公開說明書上的規則於審核基準日當天計算出當期指數調整的納入股、剔除股有哪些,並且於審核基準日時就買進納入股、賣出剔除股。 Based on the index prospectus, the study finds there are three periods of index adjustment, which are the based date, announce date, effective date. In addition, previous investment indicated that when the index is reconstructing, its constituent stocks produces abnormal return after announce date. Therefore, the study first explores whether investors could calculate which stock is newest constituent stock based on the index prospectus, and then sorts out the performance of constituent stocks during the two periods (From the based date to the announcement date. From the announcement date to the effective date). The study is based on the data obtained from Taiwan 50 Index, Taiwan High Dividend Index, Taiwan 5G plus, Fubon Taiwan 50 ETF, Fubon Corporate Governance 100 ETF, Fubon Taiwan high dividend 30 ETF, Yuanta Taiwan High Dividend Low Volatility ETF, Yuanta Good TIP Taiwan ESG ETF, CTBC Taiwan ESG Leading semiconductor ETF. The study indicates that the performance of addition stocks during the based date to the announcement date is better than the announcement date to the effective date. However, the performance of deletion stocks during the based date to the announcement date isn’t better than the announcement date to the effective date. Although the performance deletion stocks aren’t as expected, its’ rate of return and winning rate are maintained above a certain level. The Study believes that market is ahead of reaction to the addition and deletion stocks. Because investors could calculate newest constituent stocks from index prospectus and the performance results during those two periods, the study suggests investors could buy addition stocks and sell deletion stocks at based date. |
參考文獻: | 一、 中文文獻
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 111351002 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111351002 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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