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Title: | 自然資源與北極:從中國一帶一路架構分析 Securing natural resources: China and the Arctic in the frame of the Belt and Road Initiative |
Authors: | 杜雪怡 Emilie, Dubernet |
Contributors: | 冷則剛 Leng, Tse-Kang 杜雪怡 Dubernet Emilie |
Keywords: | 自然資源 中國商業 北極 投資模式 Natural resources Chinese business Arctic Investments patterns |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-06-02 11:45:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | After expanding the Belt and Road Initiative to Africa and Latin America, China is now looking North, towards the Arctic. However, its increasing interest in this region has raised lots of suspicion from the Arctic states, and the West in general. Indeed, having self-claimed itself as a “Near-Arctic” State in 2018 and wanting to participate in the economic development of the region, some worry about aggressive domination and monopolization of the region’s possible natural resources.
Yet, the reality states otherwise. Though present in the Arctic region through scientific cooperation, China’s mining and oil ventures are, most of the time, contested, halted and, abandoned. Its reputation in Africa and the rising tensions between Arctic states since the Russian invasion have put China’s plans for the High North on hold. Still, the Middle Kingdom has shown a clear interest it does not wish to be excluded from future developments in this region, especially in the exploitation of the northern sea route, given the rapid melting of the ice.
Nonetheless, conscious of its need and dependency on petroleum, gas, and minerals, most of its investments in the energy industry are located in the Russian Arctic.
While the region is facing more and more geopolitical instability with the adhesion of Finland to NATO and the remilitarization of the Russian Arctic, there is currently no China threat in terms of economic domination. Still, given Xi Jinping’s ambitions, belligerent attitude, and the concept of civil-military fusion, China’s true colors are yet to be seen in the next decade. |
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