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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/145082

    Title: LGBTQ 特定師徒支持、一般師徒支持與LGBTQ 友善措施對LGBTQ員工工作敬業之影響:正式師徒關係之調節作用
    The impacts of LGBTQ-specific mentoring support, general mentoring support, and LGBTQ-supportive policies on LGBTQ employees` work engagement: the moderating role of formal mentoring.
    Authors: 吳凱
    Boadla, Pierre
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Chang-ya
    Pierre Boadla
    Keywords: LGBTQ
    Work engagement
    LGBTQ-supportive policies
    Targeted mentoring
    LGBTQ-specific mentoring
    General mentoring
    Formal mentoring
    Informal mentoring
    Relative deprivation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-06-02 11:45:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This research is aimed to explore the relationship between LGBTQ employees also called “proteges” engagement level at work and the mentoring and human resources practices in place in the workplace. It takes into consideration the possible moderating effects of whether there is a formal mentor assigned by the company or if the kind of mentorship they implement is rather informal (supervisor as a mentor for the people under his/her supervision). The main core of the study is to analyze if there is a positive relationship between the work engagement level among proteges and the existence or not of an LGBTQ-specific mentoring approach in the workplace, LGBTQ-specific mentoring refers to a mentoring approach that supports, guides, counsels, protects, encourages, and celebrate the sexual orientation of this minority group. This specific kind of mentoring can be handled by mentors from any sexual orientation, however, I believe that having a mentor from the LGBTQ community working on this kind of mentorship will have a deeper positive impact on the protege`s work engagement level, the similarity between both mentor and protégé sexual orientation will facilitate create the conditions for an ideal mentor-protégé relationship, according to the attraction paradigm (Byrne 1971). Furthermore, the present research is hoping to demonstrate that strong and clear human resources practices that ensure a safe work environment for LGBTQ employees will strengthen that positive impact. The study was conducted among 87 LGBTQ workers (N= 87), from five different countries (Honduras, USA, Taiwan, Mexico, Spain), during a 1-month period.
    Results show that LGBTQ-specific mentoring is not significant when it comes to protege`s work engagement, the implications and limitations for this and potential topics for future research are discussed. However, results do show that there is a positive relationship between the existence of general mentoring and the protege`s work engagement level, furthermore, the results support the idea that the moderating effect of formal mentoring does have a positive impact not only on the work engagement level but it shows that when formal mentoring exists, LGBTQ-supportive policies become significant and relevant for the proteges.
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