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Title: | 中共軍力報告書與我國國防報告書之比較與分析 Comparison and Analysis of the "Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China"and "National Defense Report"of the R.O.C. |
Authors: | 朱容萱 Chu, Jung-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 蔡中民 Tsai, Chung-Min 朱容萱 Chu, Jung-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 中共軍力報告書 國防報告書 國防 Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China National Defense Report National defense |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-06-02 11:38:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在透過觀察美國歷年來所公布的《中共軍力報告書》,以及我方所發布的《國防報告書》歸納出中方與我方之間的軍力變動情形。 研究結果顯示《中共軍力報告》及《國防報告書》兩者間相關,但其間之因果關係無法證明,意即我方在因應美國所提出中方對我方之威脅與《中共軍力報告》中對我方國防安全之建議後,在《國防報告書》中所提出之軍事戰略、建軍備戰方向,大致與《中共軍力報告》相符,但就《中共軍力報告》所提及中方對我方之「威脅」內容之延續性,對比我方《國防報告書》中所提及之軍事戰略及建軍備戰方向,即便已提升我方之防衛能力,但在雙方軍力明顯失衡的狀況下,並無顯著之改變;且影響我方預算變動情形之主因,並非《中共軍力報告書》所提及內容,我方除參考《中共軍力報告書》內美方所提出中方對我方之威脅,亦會依所取得之各類情資予以研析,以作為軍事戰略發展及與建軍備戰之整合評估,以提出十年建軍構想、五年兵力整建計畫及備戰計畫,進而發展出我方《國防報告書》;因十年建軍構想與五年兵力整建計畫若參酌《中共軍力報告書》所提及之威脅內容發展,時間跨距則太長,無法即時結合我方所面臨之威脅即時調整;除此之外,我方國防軍力之規劃,亦存在政黨關係影響、部門預算分配、軍種利益競爭等衝突、角力的影響,而非單單僅就美國所發布之《中共軍力報告書》所提及之威脅;故推斷兩者間關聯性低,不易證明《中共軍力報告書》與國防軍力變動間的因果關係。 The purpose of this study is to summarize the changes in military power between China and our side by observing the "Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power Report" published by the United States over the years and the "National Defense Report" issued by our side. The research results show that there is a correlation between the "Report on the Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power" and the "Report on National Defense", but the causal relationship between them cannot be proved. After our national defense and security proposals, the military strategy and the direction of army building and preparations proposed in the "National Defense Report" are generally consistent with the "Report on the Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power". The continuity of the content of "threat" is compared with the military strategy and the direction of army building and preparation mentioned in our "National Defense Report". Significant changes; and the main reason that affects our budget changes is not the content mentioned in the "Report on the Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power". In addition to referring to the Chinese threat to us raised by the United States in the "Report on the Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power", we will also follow the All kinds of information obtained will be studied and analyzed as an integrated evaluation of military strategy development and army building preparations, so as to propose a ten-year army building concept, a five-year force reorganization plan and a war preparation plan, and then develop our own "National Defense Report" if the ten-year army building concept and the five-year force reorganization plan are developed with reference to the threat content mentioned in the "Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power Report", the time span is too long, and it is impossible to combine it in time. In addition, the planning of our national defense force is also affected by conflicts and struggles such as the influence of political party relations, departmental budget allocation, and military interest competition. Therefore, it is inferred that the correlation between the two is low, and it is difficult to prove the causal relationship between the "Report on the Chinese Communist Party`s Military Power" and the changes in national defense forces. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 110921308 |
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