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Title: | 疫情衝擊下台商在越南經營之商業模式的轉變: 以傢俱工廠為例 A Case Study on the Business Model of the Taiwanese enterprises in Vietnam During the Post Covid-19 Era |
Authors: | 蕭詠樵 Hsiao, Yung-Chiao |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 蕭詠樵 Hsiao, Yung-Chiao |
Keywords: | 商業模式 越南台商 製造業 國際傢俱製造工廠 Business model Taiwanese enterprises in Vietnam Manufacturing |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-06-02 11:35:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自2019年新型冠狀肺炎病毒(COVID-19)肆虐迄今,全球經濟蒙受莫大的損失,以「出口」及「在地化供應」為導向的台商企業,在經歷了停工中斷生產、貨運失效這些疫情下淪為常態性事件的考驗後,「去全球化」、「供應鏈重組」、「生產智慧化」……等等過往因成本過高而讓企業卻步的議題,在現今的疫後時期逐漸受到了重視。 本研究以在越南為主要生產據點的知名國際家具集團為研究個案,分析其商業模式,藉由商業模式九宮格為工具,調查個案企業度過疫情嚴峻時期,以及在疫後時期生存的商業模式,並且歸納其成功生存並獲利的關鍵。 本研究最終結論,個案視有相同經歷以及在疫情期間成工合作的上下游廠商則變為此時的關鍵合作夥伴,在關鍵活動方面,能夠達到縮短交期、精準生產及減少人力依賴的自動化生產之生產管理活動為主要關鍵活動。個案企業的價值主張始終如一,優異的品質、迅速的交期、妥善的服務。在顧客關係管理方面,疫後時期採取服務導向管理。在目標客群方面,疫情後則因為傢俱消費市場重新復甦,以及新的趨勢,智能家居消費者、訂製傢俱消費者、餐廳傢俱消費者也納入目標客群。在關鍵資源方面,疫情前後個案企業所關注培養的都是專業人才以及企業的管理效能。在通路方面,疫情後則重新布局品牌門市為主要通路,並持續發展時下趨勢而蓬勃成長的電商通路。在成本結構上,個案企業在疫情嚴峻以及現今都以50%支出來應對原材料購買,其差異在於人力成本上的5%差距,疫情嚴峻時期多花5%支出來給予短缺以及價格波動的人力,並且縮減因疫情嚴峻時期無法參展及行銷宣傳的活動支出,疫後時期則回歸正常。在收益流方面,採取統計、預測零售以及盤商需求,事先備料,企業接單後大量生產及出口的方式。 Since the COVID-19 happened in 2019, the global economy has suffered great losses. Taiwan enterprises, which are oriented by "export" and "localized supply", have experienced the test of normal events in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as "deglobalization", "supply chain restructuring", "intelligent production" and so on. Issues that used to deter companies because of high costs are gaining prominence in the post Covid-19 era. This study takes a well-known international furniture group whose main production base is Vietnam as a case study, analyzes its business model and strategy adjustment, as well as the current transformation process, and concludes the key to its successful survival and profit. The final conclusion of this study is that the upstream and downstream manufacturers with the same experience and cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic are regarded as the key partners at this time. In terms of key activities, the production management activities that can shorten the delivery time, precision production and reduce the dependence on human resources are regarded as the key activities.The value proposition of the case enterprise is consistent, excellent quality, rapid delivery, and proper service.In the aspect of customer relationship management, service - oriented management is adopted. In terms of target customer groups, due to the recovery of furniture consumption market and new trends, smart home consumers, custom furniture consumers, restaurant furniture consumers are also included in the target customer groups. In terms of key resources, the case firm focuses on professionals and the management effectiveness of the firm. In terms of channels, the layout of brand stores is the main channel, and the continuous development of e-commerce channels. In terms of cost structure, 50% expenditure is used to deal with the purchase of raw materials. In terms of income flow, statistics and prediction of retail and dealer demand are adopted, materials are prepared in advance, and enterprises produce and export in large quantities after receiving orders. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 105932405 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932405 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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