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    Title: 巴利文獻中五逆罪研究——以提婆達多與阿闍世為探討中心
    A Study of Ānantarika Kamma as found in The Pāli Canon : Focusing on Devadatta and Ajātasattu
    Authors: 陳香
    Pichai, Kantiya
    Contributors: 黃柏棋
    Huang, Po-chi
    Kantiya Pichai
    Keywords: 五逆罪
    Ānantarika Kamma
    King Ajātasattu
    Samaññaphala Sutta
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-05-02 15:33:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要

    本文章探討《巴利三藏》中阿闍世王以(King Ajātasattu)及提婆達多(Bhikkhu Devadatta)的關係,此二人常常在經典當中被提到來佐證五逆罪及報應的關係。由於二人的身分是貴族,但依然獲得報應、下地獄,可以有效傳遞「業無法相互抵銷」的概念。兩人透過互相影響罪行:提婆達多影響阿闍世王殺父親,阿闍世王支持提婆達多計畫傷害佛陀,逐漸擴大罪惡,最終犯下五逆罪,筆者預計從此案例,討論五逆罪、以及觸犯五逆罪所得到的報應。除此之外,本研究也預計探討懺悔與五逆罪之間的關係,早期佛教在《巴利三藏》有記載佛陀向比丘們說法,提及犯五逆罪的案例。在經典裡面有記載犯五逆罪(Ānantarika Kamma)一定會到墮落到地獄 ,並必入地獄的最深處(無間地獄Avīci Naraka),但是筆者想討論透過懺悔的功能,他們的報應是否會減輕、減輕到什麼程度。

    The concept of "karma" in Theravada Buddhism is very important. No matter who you are, you should be responsible for your own actions. Early Buddhism discusses the concept of "karma" in different aspects, and the key point is : the bad karma cannot be alleviated by good karma. Therefore, this thesis explores the importance of karma in Theravada Buddhism by studying the Ānantarika Kamma (a heinous sin).
    This thesis discusses the stories of King Ajātasattu and Bhikkhu Devadatta in the Pali Canon. These two persons are often mentioned in the scriptures to show the close relationship between the Ānantarika Kamma and retribution. Though King Ajātasattu and Bhikkhu Devadatta are nobles, they still get retribution and go to hell because of their dreadful deeds. This effectively conveys the concept of "you reap what you sow". However, the two committed crimes through mutual influence: King Ajātasattu was incited by Devadatta to kill his father and King Ajātasattu supported Devadatta`s plan to harm the Buddha. They gradually expanded their crime, and finally committed the Ānantarika Kamma. The author discusses the Ānantarika Kamma from these two cases, and the retribution for committing the Ānantarika Kamma. In addition, this research also explores the relationship between repentance and the Ānantarika Kamma.
    In the Pali Tripitaka, there are records that the Buddha preached monks about the consequences of committing the Ānantarika Kamma. It is said in the scriptures that when one commits the Ānantarika Kamma, he/she will definitely fall to hell and enter the deepest part of the hell (Avīci Naraka), The author wants to discuss whether their retribution will be alleviated through repentance.
    This study will also discuss the nature of sin(pāpaka) and the awareness of sin, examine the Theravada Buddhist definition of the Ānantarika Kamma, the origin of the Ānantarika Kamma, and the retribution of the Ānantarika Kamma. Also, I will discuss how to alleviate sins through repentance. Finally, I will comprehensively compare the relationship among repentence, karma and retribution. This study will adapt the method of philological analysis, compare different Buddhist classics, review the origin, definition, and retribution of the Ānantarika Kamma in the literature. It also reviews ideas of the Ānantarika Kamma in early Buddhism, the influence of the social environment on the Ānantarika Kamma , and the special significance of King Ajātasattu and Bhikkhu Devadatta. The relationship between their repentance and retribution is discussed by analysing the stories in the Pali Canon. By exploring the Ānantarika Kamma and repentance, explaning the relationship between karma and retribution, the implications of Theravada Buddhist religious ethics can be sorted out.
    Reference: 參考文獻


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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108156011
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Religious Studies] Theses

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