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Title: | 以賽局理論模擬 5G 時代行動電信價格競爭 Simulation and analysis on 5G price competition of Taiwan mobile operators based on game theory |
Authors: | 趙銘輝 Chao, Ming-Hui |
Contributors: | 曾國峰 Tseng, Kuo-Feng 趙銘輝 Chao, Ming-Hui |
Keywords: | 賽局理論 行動電信市場 5G Game theory Mobile operators 5G |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-05-02 15:03:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技的爆發成長,全球引頸期盼元宇宙的到來。而 5G 高效率、低延遲 的特性,成為推動科技發展的其中一塊拼圖,其發展狀況也成為關注的焦點。台 灣在 2019 年開台後,積極部署建立相關設備,但龐大的投資金額,卻面臨低靡 的市場環境,也帶給業者不小的打擊,因此也有許多學者認為為了吸引使用者申 辦,5G 價格戰的發生是不可避免的。
由於價格戰的產生,必須同時考慮其他競爭者的行動,來擬定自身的策略。 鑒此,本研究以賽局理論作為分析電信業市場競爭之基底,透過價格戰模型的建 構,以實際數字討論不同的價格競爭模式,試圖找出不同模式下的最佳策略、價 格均衡、以及對所有競爭者的可能影響。並也採用深度訪談,驗證模型的可信度, 降低理論模型與實際市場的差距。
進行研究分析後結果顯示,在市場方面,賽局模擬出特定條件下台灣電信市 場屬於囚徒困境。本研究也透過不同價格級距的試算,計算出降價至不同價格時 各家電信及總市場的損益為何,供業者在進行降價策略時的考量。另一方面,透 過掌握「市場成長狀況」與「忠誠顧客數」兩個變項,能幫助業者脫離囚徒困境 的難題,建議業者以此兩點為發展核心,即能帶領企業跳脫市場僵局。在競爭面 方面,研究顯示電信業者旗下之 OTT 平台,並不適合透過資費加值的方式進行 價格競爭,因此需要透過其他策略經營發展,以提升平台競爭力。 With the soaring development of technology, the world is looking forward to the uprising of the Metaverse. 5G, because of its high efficiency and low latency, has become a critical part of technology development; its development has thus come into focus as well. Since the launch of 5G in 2019, Taiwan has been deploying related devices actively. However, the massive investment compared to the weak market is a heavy blow to 5G operators. Thus, many scholars think a price war is inevitable for 5G operators if they want to attract more users to apply for 5G services. Due to the price war, 5G operators must consider other rivals` behavior to develop their strategies. Therefore, this study analyzes the telecom market competition based on game theory, aiming to find the best response strategy, equilibrium price, and possible effects on all competitors under various competing prices by constructing 5G price war models with actual statistics. It also adopts in-depth interviews to examine the model`s reliability and reduce the gap between the theoretical model and the real market. The game theory analysis shows that Taiwan`s telecom market is conditionally stuck in a prisoner`s dilemma. Via the trial calculation of various price ranges, this study also finds the gains and losses of each telecom company and the whole market when the price decreases to different amounts, which can serve as a reference when 5G operators are working out price reduction strategies. On the other hand, 5G operators can confront the prisoner`s dilemma by keeping an eye on the market growth and the number of loyal customers. This study suggests that 5G operators can use both variables as the core of development to lead their companies to break the deadlock of the market. In terms of competition, this study shows that the OTT platform is not suitable for price competition through value-added services; 5G operators must develop the OTT platform using other business strategies to enhance its competitiveness. |
Reference: | 中文部分
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Game Theory-Based Network Selection: Solutions and Challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 14(4), 1212–1231. https://doi.org/10.1109/surv.2012.010912.00081 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 109464052 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109464052 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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