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Title: | 子非魚安知魚之樂?數位生態中的閱聽人主體性初探 Exploring Audience Subjectivity in the Digital Age: An Exploration of Empathy and Connection in Audience Engagement |
Authors: | 王孝成 |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 王孝成 |
Keywords: | 商品化 數位科技 技術現象學 監控資本主義 賽伯格 Commodification Digital technology Technological phenomenology Surveillance capitalism Cyborg |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-05-02 15:03:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 各式各樣的數位服物無論是硬體或是軟體滲透並與人們的日常生活交織已是難以扭轉的現況。本研究以商品化理論所探討的概念作為數位媒介下的背景,梳理當代科技媒介的演算法邏輯後,便接續到閱聽人的納編/抗拒典範及奇觀/展演典範,從微觀的行動進入閱聽人商品化的架構裡,最後援引Don Ihde(1990)所提出的技術現象學概念,針對技術物與人彼此交融的互動狀態所進行的討論。透過深度訪談,了解閱聽人在展現主體性的動機和實踐歷程中,不只是商品化的樣貌。說明閱聽人和科技物在建構關係的過程中,人的「非商品化」面貌如何與科技技術自帶的媒介邏輯進行協商,並以微觀的主體行動做初步的探究。 With the proliferation of various digital devices and software, the integration of technology into our daily lives has become increasingly prevalent. This has led to a blurring of the boundaries between technology and humanity, where the two are intertwined in a complex and often enigmatic relationship. This study seeks to explore the relationship between technology and subjectivity within the digital ecosystem, particularly in the context of commodification theory and the algorithmic logic of contemporary technological media. To achieve this goal, we first examine the tensions between consumption and resistance, as well as spectacle and performance, that exist within the framework of audience commodification. We then draw on Don Ihde`s (1990) concept of technological phenomenology to explore the interaction between humans and technological artifacts, highlighting the ways in which individuals negotiate with the inherent media logic of technology to express their subjectivity in a non-commodified manner. In order to gain a deeper understanding of these issues, we conducted in-depth interviews with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. Through these interviews, we explore the motivations and practices of individuals in expressing subjectivity, and demonstrate how their non-commodified aspects can be revealed during the process of constructing their relationship with technology. Finally, this study provides a preliminary exploration of micro-level subjectivity within the digital ecosystem, offering insights into the ways in which individuals can maintain their agency and sense of self in the face of ever-increasing technological integration. |
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