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Title: | 銀行如何偵測政治人物金流?新聞文本應用於人脈萃取之可行性研究 How do banks detect money flow from PEPs? A Feasibility Study on News Archives Applied to Network Extraction |
Authors: | 黃邦平 Huang, Pang-Ping |
Contributors: | 陳百齡 Chen, Pai-Lin 黃邦平 Huang, Pang-Ping |
Keywords: | 社會網絡分析 資訊視覺化 政治人物洗錢風險 Social Network Analysis Information Visualization Money Laundering Risk of Politicians |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:09:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 法令遵循是金融業永續發展的根本,而在金融業務走向國際化的同時,將持續面臨到更高強度之防制洗錢及打擊資恐、反武器擴散與遵循要求。政治人物其政治影響力可能被濫用,故具一定之貪腐與洗錢疑慮,而此類型之客戶需要在建立業務關係時進行客戶識別,並施以相關強化管控。 金融機構要防範政治人物洗錢並不容易,政治人物的名單持續動態調整,且瞬息萬變,金融機構難以定義出完整名單與明確界定範圍,造成實務上相關資訊收集挑戰。不但相關資料有限,且金融機構要如何取得相關資訊相當具有挑戰性。,通常會透過持續監控政治人物之金流以檢視是否有異常交易,若能掌握政治人物之人脈是否可有效掌握其不法所得之去向。 人際關係難以界定,其社會資本之資訊不易蒐集,本研究欲透過公開資訊管道探究政治人物之人際關係,並使用新聞資料庫中的新聞資料事件,萃取各新聞事件之政治人物進行連結與量化,並探討政治人物間的互動與社會網絡分析若以視覺化圖形之樣貌為何?又透過曾有相關負面新聞或已知有貪腐洗錢事實之政治人物之新聞關聯網絡中密切往來者,是否其貪腐洗錢之風險亦為較高? Compliance is the foundation for financial sustainability in the financial industry. While financial businesses are going international, more internal measures are needed such as higher-intensity prevention and control requirements of AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism). Politicians may abuse their political power, raising concerns about corruption and money laundering. This type of customer needs to be identified when establishing business relationships with them. It is not easy for financial institutions to prevent politicians from laundering money. The list of politicians is dynamic and changes rapidly. It is difficult for financial institutions to define the complete list and to measure the scope, which poses challenges in collecting relevant information. Not only is the relevant information limited, but it is also quite challenging to obtain. Financial institutions usually monitor the cash flows of politicians to check for abnormal transactions on a regular basis. If the politicians’ connections can be mapped out, the whereabouts of their illegal gains can be tracked down more effectively. An interpersonal relationship is difficult to trace, and social capital information is hard to collect. This study intends to explore the interpersonal relationship of politicians through public information channels, and to use a news database to extract politicians from each news event to link and quantify their connections in order to answer the following questions: what does the interaction between politicians and social network analysis look like in visual graphics? Do the people who have closer ties to corrupted politicians have higher risks of corruption and money laundering? |
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