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Title: | 國際氣候法及國際人權法在氣候訴訟中之適用-以荷法德比案例為核心 The Application of International Climate Law and International Human Rights Law on Climate Litigation: Focusing on Dutch, French, German and Belgian Cases |
Authors: | 李宜靜 LI, Yi-Ching |
Contributors: | 許耀明 Hsu, Yao-Ming 李宜靜 LI, Yi-Ching |
Keywords: | 氣候變遷訴訟 氣候訴訟 氣候變遷 溫室氣體減排 國際法在內國法院之適用 司法救濟有效性 氣候變遷與人權 國際氣候法 國際人權法 Climate Change Litigation Climate Litigation Climate Change Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Application of International Law in Domestic Courts, Effectiveness of Judicial Remedies, Climate Change and Human Rights International Climate Law International Human Rights Law |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:05:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 氣候變遷下權利保障所須仰賴之司法救濟,近年來因為指標個案決定之作成而受到關注。各界以氣候訴訟一詞泛指此概念,然而其定義和指涉範圍則因為學門、研究方法、觀點等因素而產生差異。本論文核心問題在於,當人民意識到其權利可能或已經因為氣候變遷而受到不利影響,且立法部門和行政部門怠於採取積極行動應對時,能否透過司法部門之救濟,釐清人民權利之內涵與國家義務之範疇,並強制使國家或政府落實其法定義務,如採取具體措施以應對氣候變遷帶來之不利影響,且使人民於損害發生時獲得賠償。
本論文嘗試透過現有案例研析,觀察各國法院對於氣候訴訟之態度,以及其中關於國際法適用、救濟有效性及法律爭點認定之論述,以回應本論文欲探討之核心問題。由於本論文不僅限於人民權利之探討,亦包含國家義務之界定,故在案例選擇上,本論文僅選擇人民對於國家或政府提起訴訟,且爭訟主要議題為氣候變遷之案例,並將地理範圍限縮在近年具有突破性發展,以及在國際社會中積極適用國際法之歐盟,最終選擇荷蘭、法國、德國、比利時之個案進行分析。經過規範檢視與案例分析,本論文認為國際氣候法與國際人權法之適用,在氣候訴訟中確實扮演重要角色,影響氣候變遷下人民權利司法救濟之有效性。 The judicial remedy for the protection of rights under climate change has received much attention in recent years due to the developments of the landmark cases. The term "climate litigation" has been used to refer to this concept in general, but its definition and scope vary depending on the discipline, the research method, and the perspective. In addition, the core issue of this paper is whether the people`s rights can be ensured through relief by the judiciary when they are aware that their rights may be or have been adversely affected by climate change and the legislature and the executive branch are not taking positive actions to cope with it.
As climate change is an emerging issue, the relationship between climate change and people`s rights is not yet fully regulated by the laws of various countries. In this situation, whether the common legal regulation of the international community, as known as international law, is legally binding on countries and governments, and whether the content of its regulation can solve the problem of the insufficiency of people`s rights regulation in domestic laws, naturally becomes the focus of attention of the international community. This paper will explore the application and effectiveness of international climate law and international human rights law in climate litigation, in an attempt to respond to the legal controversies facing climate litigation, i.e., justiciability, separation of powers, and standing.
This paper intends to examine the attitude of domestic courts toward climate litigation, and their discussions on the application of international law, the effectiveness of relief, and the recognition of legal disputes through the analysis of existing case practice, in order to respond to the core issues that this paper sets out to explore. Since this paper is not only limited to the study in people`s rights, but also includes the clarification of state obligations, this paper only selects cases in which people have filed lawsuits against the state or government and the main issue of the lawsuit is climate change, and limits the geographical scope of the case selection to European Union, which has made a breakthrough in recent years and has actively applied international law in the international community. In the End, the cases in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Belgium were selected for analysis.
After the regulatory review and the case analysis, this paper concludes that the application of international climate law and international human rights law does play an important role in climate litigation and affects the effectiveness of judicial remedies for people`s rights under climate change. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651045 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651045 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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