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Title: | 訂閱制下商業模式的轉變:以 Microsoft 和 SONY 為例 A Case Study on the Transformation of Subscription Business Models |
Authors: | 王子豪 Wang, Tzu-Hao |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 王子豪 Wang, Tzu-Hao |
Keywords: | 訂閱經濟 商業模式轉型 訂價策略 微軟 索尼 Subscription Business model transformation Pricing Microsoft SONY |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:04:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 眾所周知地,各影音娛樂平台採用訂閱類型的商業模式已行之有年,並從中獲取了不少利潤,舉凡Netflix、Spotify與Youtube等平台的訂閱制都是十分成功的案例,可以說是「訂閱經濟」的最佳體現與代表。而有鑑於影音娛樂平台發展訂閱制商業模式的成功,近年來不同產業中的企業紛紛加以效法,著手研擬適合於該產業的訂閱服務策略,期望透過商業模式轉型的方式,為其用戶帶來並傳遞服務價值,一方面提高營運效率、追求長期性的獲利,一方面也能將創新的元素注入組織。 商業模式由產品導向轉換為服務導向是「訂閱經濟」的核心所在,在過往傳統企業的商業模式中,產品與成本往往是管理者獲利的首要考量,而現今發展訂閱制的企業則會聚焦於如何提升服務的附加價值,進而讓「顧客」轉換成「用戶」與「訂戶」,非一次性的消費者。承述前段,欲發展訂閱策略的眾企業必然會經過商業模式轉型的過程,尤其由產品導向轉換至服務導向者甚多,並具有研究價值。 本研究將以遊戲主機產業中的Microsoft與SONY為對象,以個案分析的研究方式深入探討其自建平台、發展訂閱制,至產品導向至服務導向的商業模式轉型歷程,試圖加以歸類其轉型的模式;個案企業經商業模式轉型後,原有產品的價格與新型態服務的訂價方法自然不同,故針對訂閱服務的訂價策略變化亦是本研究的討論重點,期望能藉由文獻資料整理出個案企業現行主要的訂價策略;在商業模式與訂價策略改變的雙重條件下,個案企業自然會遭遇不同的困難與挑戰,基於分析結果,本研究試圖將可能產生的問題一一找出,期望能發揮實務上的貢獻,提供欲進行商業模式轉型之企業參考,從而思考解決方法,甚至進一步避免問題的發生。 Various audio entertainment platforms have adopted the subscription-type business model for a long time, and have obtained a lot of profits from it. For example, the subscription systems of Netflix, Spotify, Youtube. In view of the success of these platforms, companies in different industries started to formulate subscription strategies, hoping to transform its business model, delivering the service value to their customers. Also, be able to improve efficiency and pursue long-term profits, and do innovation. The transformation of the business model from product-oriented to service-oriented is the core of the "subscription economy". The business model in the past, costs were often the primary considerations to make profits, but today`s companies that want to develop subscription services will focus on enhancing the value of services, so that "customers" can be converted into "users" and "subscribers". As mentioned, companies that want to develop subscription strategies will go through the process of business model transformation, especially from product-oriented to service-oriented, which is worth to research. This study will take the console game industry, Microsoft and SONY as objects, discussing their platforms, development of subscription, and product-oriented to service-oriented business model transformation by case study, trying to classify the process. After transformation, the pricing strategies will be different, so the changes of the pricing strategies for subscription is also the focus. Under the changes in business models and pricing strategies, companies will encounter challenges. This study attempts to find out the problems, hoping to make contributions and provide reference for companies that want to transform their business models, so as to think about solutions, further avoid problems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364127 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364127 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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