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    Title: 志願役士兵轉服士官角色轉換之研究
    A Study of Role Transition of Volunteer Soldiers to Non-commissioned Officers
    Authors: 吳智傑
    Wu, Jhih-Jie
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Wu, Jhih-Jie
    Keywords: 志願役士兵
    Role perception
    Voluntary soldiers
    Reserve non-commissioned officer class
    Role transition
    Role conflict
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-04-06 18:03:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國軍已進入常備部隊全募兵制的時代,為使表現優良的士兵在部隊能長留久用及考量其軍旅生涯規畫,會輔導其轉服士官或軍官,其中以轉服士官接受儲備士官班訓練為主要轉服方式。士兵與士官在部隊扮演不同角色,士兵因轉服士官的身分改變也導致角色轉換,角色轉換的過程可能面臨能力與適應的問題。本研究採質性研究方法,透過次級文獻資料分析與半結構式訪談,探討士兵轉服士官後所面臨角色轉換的問題。藉由對接受儲備士官班訓練的上、中、下士與單位士官督導長的訪談,試圖瞭解士兵與士官的差異、轉換期間所遭遇的問題與衝突、儲備士官班授課內容對角色轉換影響與單位挑選士兵送訓的條件等議題。本研究發現,並非所有人轉服士官後都面臨因角色轉換而致的問題與衝突,端視因職務與身份改變而負責的職務內容是否改變而定。轉服士官後若面臨職務與環境重大改變,則會明顯感受角色轉換的衝擊,包括上級長官提高工作品質要求、新角色的能力專業度不足、新與舊角色認知差異、人際關係的改變。此外,本研究亦發現士兵在送訓儲備士官班前會受到原單位嚴謹的考核以確保人員素質,但組織在短時間發生劇烈調整時,單位人員考核則容易無法落實,則易使轉服士官者在角色轉換後面臨較大衝擊,也影響適應新角色之困難度。
    Against the background of the implementation of full voluntary enlistment of the standing troops in Taiwan, the army tutor soldiers to become non-commissioned officers in order to retain soldiers with good performance to stay in the army for a longer time. Training of the reserve non-commissioned officer class is required for soldiers to become non-commissioned officers. Soldiers and non-commissioned officers have different roles in the army. Soldiers becoming non-commissioned officers thus involves role transition and challenges and difficulties thus caused for the new roles. Through secondary data analysis and interviews, this thesis aims to discuss the issue of role transition with the case of soldiers-becoming-noncommissioned-officers in Taiwan. It is found that in this study that whether there is significant change in the new position is key to the existence or not of challenges and difficulties. Those in their new roles encounter more challenges and feel more frustrated are those who face significant changes in their new jobs and surrounding environment. It is also found if there is sudden and drastic adjustment in the organisation, the existing strict procedure of selecting soldiers for reserve non-commissioned officers class is compromised. The result being that soldiers turned non-commissioned officers find it hard to adapt to their new roles.
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