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Title: | 調整部分負擔是否真有助於轉診制度之落實?─以 2017 年門診部分負擔調整為例 Is the copayment adjustment helpful for the implementation of the referral system? : Evidence from the Outpatient Copayment Adjustment in 2017 |
Authors: | 呂新靈 Lyu, Hsin-Ling |
Contributors: | 連賢明 呂新靈 Lyu, Hsin-Ling |
Keywords: | 全民健康保險 部分負擔 轉診制度 斷點回歸分析方法 National Health Insurance Copayment Referral system Regression discontinuity design |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:53:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自 1995 年全民健保開辦以來,轉診制度一直都是政府想要落實的制度政策。因為轉診制度之落實有助於減少醫療浪費,且可提升醫療品質,但因為民眾就醫自由已成習慣,可以自行決定到小診所或大醫院就醫,所以轉診制度在臺灣一直未能落實下來。歷年來,政府一直試圖藉各樣方式促進轉診制度的落實,部分負擔調整政策便是其中最常使用的政策。 2017 年 4 月 15 日再次進行部分負擔的調整,透過將經轉診至醫學中心及區域醫院的部分負擔價格調降 40 元,並將未經轉診至醫學中心的部分負擔價格增加 60 元,盼藉由調整醫學中心和區域醫院的部分負擔價格,並拉大經轉診和未經轉診部分負擔價格之間的金額差距,促進民眾轉診的醫療利用行為,以達到小病至基層診所就醫,大病至大醫院就診的正常現象。並且,因為 2017 年的這次調整有別於先前幾次部分負擔調整的方式,不僅是往上調漲未經轉診的價格,也有往下調降經轉診部分負擔的價格,所以更適合用此政策產生之效果來探討部分負擔調整是否真有助於轉診制度的落實。本研究主要目的便是了解 2017 年部分負擔的調整是否能夠有效促進民眾轉診的醫療利用行為,其中又以哪些族群較容易受到政策影響而落實轉診,以助於日後政策制定而落實轉診制度並達成分級醫療之目的。 本研究使用「全民健康保險保險人資訊整合應用服務中心」所提供的健保資料庫,選取 2017 年 4 月 15 日前後 90 天,也就是 2017 年 1 月 14 日至 2017 年 7 月 15 日這段期間的資料,並取其中受部分負擔影響的西醫門診樣本,共計 106,718,826 筆資料,進行研究分析。本研究以斷點回歸分析方法(Regression Discontinuity Design)探討 2017 年部分負擔政策實施前後轉診效果的轉變,並且為了證實估計結果的準確性,也以甜甜圈斷點回歸分析方法(donut-hole RDD)對估計結果進行檢測。 研究結果發現,整體來說,2017 年的部分負擔政策對於醫學中心或區域醫院的轉診皆有正面影響,且具統計顯著性,即本次政策對於提升民眾轉診的醫療利用行為是有效的。但是從圖形上發現,該效果可能在短期內較明顯,長期來說,則較為有限。其次,本研究亦以民眾特性及疾病嚴重程度進行分組,探討哪些族群較易受政策影響而改變轉診醫療利用行為。結果發現,在性別上,男性較女性效果略顯著一些;在年齡上,65歲以上者短期效果較為顯著,而3至6歲者長期則較為顯著;在投保金額上,投保金額越高,政策效果越顯著。就疾病嚴重程度而言,大病的效果較小病效果顯著一些。透過本研究結果發現,部分負擔的調整確實有利於落實轉診制度,然而僅能產生短期效果,難以維持較長期的效果。 The referral system has always been a policy that the government has aspired to put into place since the launch of the National Health Insurance in 1995. The referral system`s implementation can lower medical waste and improve the quality of medical care. The referral system has not been implemented in Taiwan because it is acceptable to choose a primary clinic or a major hospital at your own discretion. The government has attempted to encourage the use of the referral system over the years in a number of ways, the most common of which is the copayment policy. On April 15, 2017, the copayment price was once again adjusted, by decreasing the copayment that was referred to the medical center and the regional hospital by NT$40, and increasing the copayment that was not referred to the medical center by NT$60. It is expected that by adjusting the copayment prices of medical centers and regional hospitals and widening the price gap between patients who receive referrals and those who do not to promote the utilization behavior of referrals and to achieve the phenomenon of going to primary clinics for minor diseases and major hospitals for critical illnesses. And it is much more appropriate to use this policy to investigate whether copayment adjustment is actually beneficial to the implementation of the referral system because this adjustment in 2017 differs from previous ones in that it not only raises the price without referral but also lowers the price of the copayment after referral. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the 2017 copayment policy will effectively encourage referral behavior and to identify which groups are most likely to be affected by the policy`s implementation of referrals. To conduct research and analysis for this study, a total of 106,718,826 data points, covering the 90 days prior to and following April15,2017, or from January 14,2017, to July 15,2017, were chosen from the health insurance database provided by the "Applied Health Research Data Integration Service from National Health Insurance Administration." By using the regression discontinuity design analysis method, this study examines how the referral effect varied before and after the copayment policy went into effect in 2017. The “donut-hole RDD” analysis method was used to verify the robustness of the estimated results. The results of this research showed that the copayment policy in 2017 was positive and statistically significant for the referral behavior of medical centers or regional hospitals, indicating that this policy is effective in improving referral utilization. However, the effect may be more pronounced in the short term and less so in the long term. Additionally, this study divided the sample into subgroups based on the characteristics and severity of the disease, and explored which subgroups were more likely to be impacted by policies to boost referral utilization behavior. According to the results, the effect is slightly more pronounced in men than in women. In terms of age, adults over 65 have a greater short-term effect, whereas children aged 3 to 6 have a greater long-term effect. Serious illnesses have a larger effect than minor illnesses in terms of the severity of the disease. The study`s results indicate that adjusting the copayment is indeed helpful for putting the referral system into place. However, it can only have temporary effects, and it`s hard to maintain long-term effects. |
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