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Title: | 美臺反傾銷法之比較研究 A Comparative Study on Antidumping Laws in USA and Taiwan |
Authors: | 魏永康 Wei, Yung-Kang |
Contributors: | 許耀明 Hsu, Yao-Ming 魏永康 Wei, Yung-Kang |
Keywords: | 反傾銷 反規避 原產地規則 違規轉運 協調邊境管理 Coordinated border management Anti-dumping Anti-circumvention Rules of origin Illegal transshipment |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:51:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在於運用比較研究法分析美國反傾銷法與臺灣反傾銷法律間之差距及各自對反傾銷議題的處理方式,此一研究結果可以做為日後美臺經貿對話基礎。其次,雙方可在遵守世界貿易組織反傾銷協定及實踐世界海關組織協調邊境管理模式中,藉由美方反規避調查實務及我方違規轉運查緝作為的有效溝通,得以確保美國貿易安全與臺灣經濟利益。接著,本文特別評析美國太陽能產業反傾銷經典案例,得知美國國際貿易法院維持商務部在美國反傾銷程序中針對兩岸太陽能產品之原產地認定,是以個別案件特定程序來決定涉案產品是否屬於既有反傾銷命令的產品範圍之裁定,此時美國海關原產地認定案例僅供參考。基本上,我國海關依職權認定進口貨物原產地。最後,美國反傾銷稅實行回溯課徵制度,不進行成本效益分析,以美國產業利益為重。而臺灣採取預期課徵制度,以國家整體利益為首要考量。故本研究的貢獻在於突顯美臺在不同的政治經濟環境下,在反傾銷議題上各自的努力方向及工作重點,值得產官學界持續關注並有效配置更多的資源來維護我國產業永續發展。 The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the difference of antidumping laws’ legal framework in USA and Taiwan, including the treatment of related dumping issues by using comparative study method. Moreover, it is the best solution for USA and Taiwan in effectively communicating US anti-circumvention survey practices with related seizure activities in Taiwan to secure the U.S. Trade safety and Taiwan economic interests by obeying the WTO Antidumping Agreement and accepting WCO’s coordinated border management model. Furthermore, this thesis also aims to discuss the classic antidumping case of U.S. solar industry. And the finding of the case is the US DOC redetermination sustained by US CIT on the rules of origin of solar product of PRC and Taiwan. According to the antidumping investigation on proceedings specific to the selected subject merchandise, US DOC has the discretion to determine whether it belongs to the scope rulings of the antidumping order or not. The US CBP rulings of rules of origin can’t change the determinations of US DOC in anti-dumping and anti-circumvention investigations. Basically, ROC CUSTOMS is in charge of the determinations of rules of origin of imported air cargo or sea freight. Finally, the imposition of US anti-dumping duty is retrospective. The determination of imposing it is mainly based on the interests of US industries, not the results of related Cost and Benefit Analysis. The imposition of anti-dumping duty in Taiwan is prospective. And the determination of whether imposing it or not based on Taiwan’s whole economic interests. The contribution of the thesis is to put emphasis on the respective law enforcement of antidumping laws between USA and Taiwan in different politico-economic environment. The ROC government should go on to cooperate with relevant industry and scholars to deal with the related dumping issues, and put more effective and efficient resources into the sustainable development plans of domestic industry in Taiwan. |
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