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    Title: 菲律賓媒體對中國反應的語言學分析: 2000 年到 2013 年
    A Linguistic Analysis of Media Responses of the Philippines to China from 2000 - 2013
    Authors: 范緹卡
    De, Avantika
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Rik De Busser
    Avantika De
    Keywords: 中-菲
    中國 - 東盟
    China`s image
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:46:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 菲律賓是東盟重要創始成員國之一,也是中國的戰略夥伴。 對菲律賓來說,中國是近鄰和重要的經濟夥伴。 然而,儘管有著深刻的連結,中菲關係幾十年來一直不穩定。 其中一個原因是雙方對南海地區的爭奪─ 兩人在爭議地區發生了爭執。 這項研究旨透過研究菲律賓媒體發佈的英文新聞標題來分析中菲關係的起伏,找出2000年至2013年中國的形象是否出現了負面變化。 本文的結論是,到2013年,中國在菲律賓的形象已經變得負面。
    The Philippines is one of the important founding members of ASEAN and also a strategic partner of China. For the Philippines, China is a close neighbor and an important economic partner. However, despite the mutual significance, Sino-Philippine relations have been unstable for decades. One of the reasons for it is the mutual contention for the region of South China Sea. The two have entered into scuffles over the disputed region. Analyzing the ups and downs in Sino-Philippines relations, this research aims to find out whether the image of China has taken a negative turn from 2000 to 2013 by studying English news headlines published by Philippine media houses. This thesis concludes that the image of China in the Philippines has become negative by the year 2013.
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