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Title: | 臺灣民主政治的正當性危機:新自由主義論述與民主治理表現的分析 Democratic Legitimacy Crisis in Taiwan: An Analysis from The Perspective of Neoliberal Discourse and Democratic Governance |
Authors: | 繆鑫 Miao, Xin |
Contributors: | 魏玫娟 繆鑫 Miao, Xin |
Keywords: | 正當性危機 新自由主義 民主治理 Legitimacy crisis Neoliberal discourse Democratic governance |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:45:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據亞洲民主動態調查的研究,臺灣的民主滿意度與支持度顯示奇特的趨勢。本研究欲探尋為何臺灣民主滿意度的上升與民主支持度的停滯並不同步,反而兩者之間的差距逐漸擴大,並進一步試圖回答臺灣的民主政治是否出現了正當性危機。不同於Chu等人的解釋,本研究以Fukuyama的政治發展途徑以及Habermas區分系統與生活世界的框架分析民主滿意度高、支持度卻低的情況。透過描繪臺灣奠基於自由主義右翼傳統的新自由主義論述主導臺灣政治民主化與經濟自由化過程,本研究論證,儘管臺灣的自由民主體制已具有程序正當性,然而民主政治系統卻與民眾的生活世界脫鉤,而無法持續獲得來自公眾的足夠支持,是臺灣民主政治正當性的危機傾向。一方面,新自由主義的論述霸權持續影響民主治理的品質與表現,造成政治系統無能處理各種社會經濟問題;另一方面,政治系統以民主法律與地方政府的表現介入社會文化系統,卻僅能交換特定的政治支持,雖呈現為民主滿意度的提升,卻導致民眾質疑民主政治的規範性聲稱,並使現行的民主體制缺乏廣泛的政治支持,而呈現為民主支持度的低落。 Taiwan’s democratic satisfaction and support have shown a peculiar tendency. This study seeks to investigate why the upward trend of Taiwan’s democratic satisfaction did not keep pace with the stagnation of democratic support but rather the gap between the two has substantially widened, and further attempts to answer the question of whether there is a legitimacy crisis in Taiwan’s democratic politics. Unlike Chu et al.’s explanation, this study analyses the high level of democratic satisfaction but low level of democratic support by adopting Fukuyama’s political development approach and Habermas’ framework of distinguishing between systems and lifeworld. By drawing neoliberal discourse, based on Taiwan’s libertarian tradition, that has dominated the process of political democratisation and economic liberalisation in Taiwan, this study demonstrates that although Taiwan’s liberal democracy has achieved procedural legitimacy, the disconnection of the democratic political system from the people’s lifeworld and the failure to sustain sufficient support from the public constitute a crisis tendency of democratic legitimacy in Taiwan. On the one hand, the hegemony of neoliberal discourse continued to undermine the quality and performance of democratic governance, resulting in the incapacity of the political system to deal with various socioeconomic issues; on the other, the interference of the political system in the sociocultural system with democratic laws and government’s welfare policies has only served to exchange for the support of specific groups, which has led to the increase in democratic satisfaction, but has caused the public to question the normative claim of democratic politics, and has left the current regime without diffuse support, resulting in a weak level of democratic support. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 108261011 |
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