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    Title: NFT之購買意願研究:以偶像NFT及品牌NFT為例
    The intention to purchase NFT: examples of idol NFT and brand NFT
    Authors: 林仁祥
    Lin, Ren-Xiang
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng-Li
    Lin, Ren-Xiang
    Keywords: 非同質化代幣
    Non-fungible tokens
    Purchase intention
    Network externalities
    Perceived benefits and sacrifices
    NFT self-efficacy
    Idol attachment
    NFT brand reputation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:38:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於資訊科技的蓬勃發展,令許多新興的資訊技術及應用快速萌芽,例如:區塊鏈、加密貨幣、元宇宙以及近期爆紅的非同質化代幣 (NFT)。NFT係具有唯一性、不可替代性、無法分割等特性的數位代幣。透過與數位或實體內容的連結,能在區塊鏈上代表特定的數位或實體資產。NFT的話題在台灣興起後,不少名人偶像也搭上這股熱潮發行NFT,引起粉絲爭相搶購。對於帶著偶像光環的NFT,究竟有什麼令人嚮往的特質,是本研究探討的主軸之一。此外,讓NFT造成話題的原因,來自知名品牌NFT驚人的成交天價。然而,品牌NFT有哪些令人趨之若鶩的特點,是另一項的研究主軸。
    The advancement of information technology has continuously made rapid growth for innovative applications, for instance, non-fungible tokens (NFT). NFT is a type of digital token which owns cryptographically unique, irreplaceable, and indivisible. It could be represented as a specific digital or physical asset on blockchain through connecting to corresponding content. Since the popularity of NFT in Taiwan, many idols have issued their own NFTs, causing fans to snap up them. Besides, the trend of NFT originated from the incredible price of brand NFTs. Therefore, this study attempts to identify potential determinants of purchase intention for idol and brand NFT.
    There are different research contexts, including fans purchasing idol NFT and the rich purchasing brand NFT. Drawing on theory of network externalities, perceived benefits and sacrifices framework to explore the influential factors and to treat NFT self-efficacy as the moderating factor. The questionnaire survey and scenario-based experiment are applied to examine the idol and brand NFT models, respectively. The results reveal that strong-tie influence, idol attachment, and expected return are the positive determinants and economic cost is the negative determinant for purchasing idol NFT. The moderating effects of NFT self-efficacy are not found. Additionally, strong-tie influence and expected return are the positive determinants and price volatility of cryptocurrency is the negative determinant for purchasing brand NFT. The NFT self-efficacy only has the positive moderating effect on weak-tie influence. Moreover, there are interest insights between fans and the rich NFT purchasing intention via the lens of network externalities, perceived benefits and sacrifices.
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