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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/143841
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    Title: 探討線上信任建立機制對消費者貢獻度之影響: 以亞馬遜為例
    The Effects of Online Trust Building Mechanisms on Consumer Contribution: The Case of Amazon
    Authors: 柯淑芬
    Ko, Shu-Fen
    Contributors: 李有仁

    Li, Eldon Y.
    Wu, Ya-Ling

    Ko, Shu-Fen
    Keywords: 線上購物
    Online shopping
    Online trust-building mechanisms
    Consumer contribution
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:38:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路外部性是技術接受度和互聯網用戶行為的關鍵決定因素。由於電子商務是無國界的,本研究致力於調查台灣和美國在網路外部性、線上信任和消費者貢獻度的文化差異,並確定影響互聯網購買決策的因素模型。通過文獻探討和專家訪談,我們確定了網路外部性的 5 個組成部分:感知網路規模、感知外部聲望、感知兼容性、感知互補性和第三方支付。在研究模型中,假設網路外部性會影響線上信任,進而影響消費者貢獻度。本研究模型將線上信任視為二階反映性構面,包含: 感知保證、感知能力、消費者信心、來源可信度和診斷性。本研究同時探討了消費者的線上購物習慣對網路外部性和線上信任之間關00係的調節作用。從亞馬遜線上商店台灣的477個主要活躍客戶和美國的459個主要活躍客戶填寫問卷,收集數據,提供真實資訊,為本研究模型提供必要的支持。本研究發現當線上商店揭露更多關於網絡外部性的資訊被時,亞馬遜活躍客戶將被網絡外部性資訊影響,尤其是間接網絡外部性的感知兼容性、感知互補性等。本研究結果還提供資訊支持當線上商店揭露更多有關網絡外部性的資訊,尤其是提供更多感知保證、感知能力、消費者信心、來源可信度和診斷性等資訊,會提高整體線上信任,進而影響消費者對線上商店的貢獻。
    Network externalities are key determinants of technology acceptance and Internet user behavior. Since e-commerce is borderless, this dissertation is dedicated to studying the cultural differences between Taiwan and the United States in terms of network externalities, online trust, and consumer contribution, and to identify models of factors that affect Internet purchasing behavior. Through literature review and expert interviews, we identify five factors of network externalities: perceived network size, perceived external prestige, perceived compatibility, perceived complementarity, and third-party payments. In the research model, it is assumed that network externalities will affect online trust, which in turn affects consumer contribution behavior. The research model views online trust as a second-order reflective structure driven by perceived warranty, perceived competence, consumer confidence, source credibility, and diagnosticity. In addition, the paper examines the moderating effect of habits on the relationship between network externalities and online trust. Collect the data of 477 active customers of Amazon online store in Taiwan and 459 active customers in the United States, fill in the questionnaire, provide real information, and provide support for this research model. This study finds that when online stores disclose more information about network externalities, active Amazon customers will be affected by network externalities, especially perceived compatibility and perceived complementarity of indirect network externalities. The results of this study found that when online stores disclose more information about network externalities, in particular providing more information about perceived warranty, perceived competence, consumer confidence, source credibility, and diagnostics, the overall online trust will increase, which in turn affects consumer contributions to online stores.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101356502
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of MIS] Theses

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