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    Title: 我國醫療與長照資源可近性分析: 剝奪擴大的觀點
    Access to healthcare and long-term care analysis: deprivation amplification perspective
    Authors: 廖明俊
    Liao, Ming-Jun
    Contributors: 廖興中
    Liao, Hsin-Chung
    Liao, Ming-Jun
    Keywords: 醫療資源
    Long-term care
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:36:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 醫療資源以及長照資源已然於被認為是維持個人生命尊嚴的基本權利,而當中醫療與長照資源的可近性更關乎於個人是否能夠取得服務,然而不同區域之間的分佈上時常具有資源落差,致使部分的偏鄉地區產生可近性不佳的問題,我國亦不例外。除了可近性不佳的情況之外,偏遠地區更可能具備收入、教育程度、年齡、種族等弱勢特質,是以這些偏鄉地區民眾的剝奪狀況容易受到擴大,此極為剝奪擴大之概念,總的來說,本研究旨在分析我國各地區醫療、長照資源的可近性,並探討是否有剝奪擴大的發生。
    Resources of healthcare and long-term care are already regarded as basic rights that could maintain the dignity of human life. Among them, the accessibility to healthcare and long-term care is more related to whether humans can get service. However, there are often resource gaps in different region, resulting in poor accessibility in some rural areas, and Taiwan is no exception. In addition to poor accessibility, remote areas are more likely to have disadvantaged characteristics such as income, education, age, and race. Therefore, the status of deprivation of people in this remote area is amplified, called deprivation amplification. In summary, this research aims to analyze the accessibility of healthcare and long-term care resources in various regions of Taiwan and to explore whether there is deprivation amplification.
    This research would use GIS for analysis and present the results with maps. First, the accessibility would be calculator through enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method, then explore the deprivation amplification with ANOVA. The aforementioned underprivileged factors as independent variables, and accessibility as dependent variable. Finally, this research would analyze the extent of deprivation amplification in each region of Taiwan with cluster analysis.
    The results show that both healthcare and long-term care resources tend to be allocated in the western region. However, the accessibility of A and C bases in non-urban areas is indeed better than healthcare resources and B bases. In addition, the analysis results of deprivation amplification show that healthcare resources have a significant deprivation amplification effect on the above-mentioned underprivileged factors, and base B has significant deprivation amplification to income and education factors. Finally, cluster analysis results show that the deprivation amplification of each county in non-urban areas is more evident than in urban areas.
    There are two suggestions for the policy and follow-up research. First, for the policy, the healthcare system could learn from the allocation of C base downsizing and reducing the cost with a sophisticated rating system that enables resources to provide service in rural areas, then reduce the deprivation amplification. Second, for research orient, follow-up research can classify the service content of healthcare and long-term care because analysis with specific population needs can make analysis results more accurate.
    Reference: 中文部分
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