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    Title: 以制度與資源觀點探討本國企業減碳行動與內部碳定價發展
    Domestic firms` carbon reduction and internal carbon pricing development: perspectives from institutional theory and resource-based view
    Authors: 張成漢
    Chang, Cheng-Han
    Contributors: 柯玉佳
    Ko, Yu-Chia
    Chang, Cheng-Han
    Keywords: 企業內部碳定價
    Internal carbon pricing
    Institutional theory
    Resource-based theory
    Competitive advantage
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:33:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨國際與外部制度環境的環保法規影響,企業的碳風險辨識與適應能力愈加重要,2023年通過的《氣候變遷因應法》目標2050年達到淨零排放,未來環境的外部成本將成為企業的實質支出,無疑對國內企業產生重大挑戰。

    研究發現一: 企業內部碳定價可分為五大步驟,需縝密規劃目標與流程,始能達到促使內部轉型的結果。
    研究發現二: 外部制度環境將影響企業實施減碳轉型與內部碳定價,依據不同因素將影響實施內部碳定價的可能。
    研究發現三: 從內部資源角度呼應外部制度分析,可發現企業實施減碳轉型與規模及所處產業有關,若能結合商業機會,將是成功實施減碳策略的最大誘因,並產生永續發展的競爭優勢。
    With the influence of international environmental protection regulations in the institutional environment, the abilities of enterprises to identify and adapt carbon risk are becoming critical issues. The "Climate Change Response Legislation" passed recently aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Therefore, the external cost of the environment in the future will become the actual expenditure of enterprises. This is undoubtedly an urgent challenge for domestic enterprises. For enterprises, in order to meet the pressure of external systems, it is necessary to manage the carbon emissions of both themselves and the supply chain immediately. Although it has been practiced for many years in the world, domestic enterprises still find carbon pricing an unfamiliar field. Therefore, in order to understand the development of this topic, this study integrates the details of the internal carbon pricing process and analyzes the international trend of application, as well as practical cases of individual companies.
    Afterward, based on institutional theory and resource-based theory, this study discusses the impact of the institutional environment and the resources they need to have when domestic enterprises introduce internal carbon pricing and green transition strategy. Through the analysis of the institutional environment and internal resources of enterprises, this study analyzes how enterprises could ultimately achieve the goal of reducing carbon emissions across the entire value chain.

    This study concludes 3 research findings as following:
    Research finding 1: The internal carbon pricing of enterprises can be divided into five major steps. Careful planning of goals and processes is required to achieve the result of promoting internal transformation.
    Research finding 2: The external institutional environment will affect the implementation of carbon reduction transformation and internal carbon pricing, and different factors will affect the possibility of implementing internal carbon pricing.
    Research finding 3: Echoing the analysis of external institutions from the perspective of internal resources, it can be found that the implementation of green transition strategies by enterprises is related to their business scale and industry. If the strategies can be combined with business opportunities, it would be the critical incentive for successful implementation. Moreover, generating competitive advantages of sustainable development in the future.
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