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    Title: 以動態能力觀點探討新創企業之商業模式與核心能力變化過程
    Investigating the Changing Processes of Business Models and Core Capabilities of Start-up Companies: The Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities
    Authors: 林大爲
    Lin, Ta-Wei
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Lin, Ta-Wei
    Keywords: 新創企業
    New venture
    Dynamic capability
    Business model
    Core capability
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:32:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技及網路的快速發展,企業間的競爭局勢也有偌大的變化,過往企業形成的行業壁壘也在資訊化的時代下逐漸被打破,這也降低了新創企業進入既有市場的門檻,掌握網路科技的新創企業皆有可能透過網路創造新的商業模式並創造可觀的績效。影響新創企業的創業績效的關鍵因素可能來自於團隊組成的特性、核心能力、資源等,但由於新創團隊大多處於快速成長的過程,且會頻繁的遇到新的問題與變化,也因此動態能力成為新創團隊能否在快速變化的環境中生存的關鍵。
    1. 新創企業的核心能力是其發展動態能力的基礎。
    2. 新創企業會透過新機會的辨識來支持其動態能力的發展,並作為其商業模式轉變的考量基礎。
    3. 新創企業的動態能力若能內化至組織設計層面或內部流程,則有助於其實現商業模式的轉變,並提升其核心能力。
    4. 新創企業會透過其團隊組成的異質性來提升其市場驗證能力,且依此能力來發揮其動態能力,並提高其商業模式轉變的成效。
    5. 數位時代下的新創公司,會透過以資訊技術做為基礎的核心能力來展現其動態能力,並因應快速變化的環境。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and technology, the competition among enterprises has also undergone tremendous changes. The industry barriers have also been gradually broken down in the digital age, which has also reduced the threshold for new enterprises to enter the market. New start-ups that master in Internet technology are likely to create new business models and create considerable performance through the Internet. The key factors affecting the entrepreneurial performance of new ventures may come from the characteristics of the team members, core competencies, resources, etc. Dynamic capabilities become the key to whether a start-up team can survive in a rapidly changing environment.
    This study explores two different cases of start-ups based on Internet technology from the perspective of dynamic capabilities, and analyzes the impact of dynamic capabilities on the transformation of its business model and core capabilities. One of the cases is a new start-up company in programming education for children. In order to break through the bottleneck of the old offline teaching interaction mode and the difficulty in recruiting programming teachers, a standardized teaching process was created, and the team used its own core capabilities to develop an online dual-teacher teaching system. In the environmental trend of education policies, enterprises can grow rapidly and expand their scale in the environment of high school education needs. The second case is a cultural and creative e-commerce platform for artists and creators` peripheral products. The team members also have the background of network information capabilities. When the case company assists friends in selling peripheral products printed with their works, it discovers the business model of illustrator fan economy, and successfully establishes an e-commerce platform for illustrators to interact with fans, providing illustrators with a creative income. However, the business model of fan economy also became a bottleneck after a period of time, so the case company decided to step into the general consumer market.
    For this reason, the main questions of this study include: (1) What is the process of the transformation of the capabilities of start-ups? (2) What is the impact of dynamic capabilities on the business model transformation of start-ups? (3) How does the digital information environment affect the transformation of business models and capabilities of new ventures?
    Since this research hopes to conduct an in-depth discussion on the transformation and dynamic capabilities of the business model and core capabilities, the qualitative research method is used in the research to understand the decision-making process of the case company`s business model and capability transformation through interviews.
    The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. The core capability of a start-up company is the basis for its dynamic development.
    2. Start-up companies will support the development of their dynamic capabilities through the identification of new opportunities, and serve as the basis for consideration of their business model transformation.
    3. If the dynamic capabilities of start-ups can be internalized to the organizational design level or internal processes, it will help them realize the transformation of their business models and enhance their core capabilities.
    4. New start-up companies will improve their market verification capabilities through the heterogeneity of their team composition, and use this capability to exert their dynamic capabilities and improve the effectiveness of their business model transformation.
    5. New start-up companies in the digital age will demonstrate their dynamic capabilities and respond to the rapidly changing environment through core competencies based on information technology.

    The paper concludes with the academic contribution and practical implications of the research findings, as well as suggestions for follow-up research.
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