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Title: | 台灣YouTuber頻道變現經營模式之研究 Research of YouTuber’s Channel Operation and Revenue In Taiwan |
Authors: | 景順宜 Ching, Shun-I |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao-Tung 景順宜 Ching, Shun-I |
Keywords: | KOL 社群媒體 Youtube商業合作 獲利模式 KOL Social Media Business Cooperation of Youtube Business Model |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:32:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年藉由Youtube平台而竄起的新興職業Youtuber,成為了許多年輕人職涯的選擇之一,該行業進入門檻不高,但若要單憑頻道經營來謀生,卻非易事。在Youtube平台,每分鐘都有超過400小時的影片被上傳,要如何從這片紅海中脫穎而出,並以頻道變現為最終目標,本研究期望以協助頻道經營者的角度,了解以下問題: 研究問題一:YouTuber如何維持與受眾的穩定關係? 研究問題二:YouTuber如何創作出廣為受眾接受的業配影片? 研究問題三:廣告主如何挑選合作的YouTuber? 研究問題四:當廣告主來尋求合作時,如何才能產出雙贏的作品?並且獲得持續不斷的合作機會?
本研究採質性研究法作為主要研究方法,就研究架構採立意取樣法提出合乎研究需求的訪談對象清單,研擬半結構式的訪談大綱,並與訪談對象聯繫進行約訪與訪談。透由針對YouTuber、廣告主與代理商、受眾的深度訪談進行歸納與分析,發現重要關係人之間的連結: 1.Youtuber提供廣告主合作作品,包含直播、影片、圖文活動出席、代言,廣告主回饋以現金收益、服務、產品、業配效益、受眾含金量; 2.廣告主提供產品、服務予受眾,受眾返以現金收益、回饋及口碑效應; 3.Youtuber提供產品、服務、資訊予受眾,受眾則以有形的現金收益、訂閱、評論、分享或無形的歸屬感、信任度、黏著度提供支持。
根據上述發現,本研究提出長久經營、維持頻道變現能力之經營策略: 1.利用不同平台交互經營,強化與受眾連結同時提供信任度;反向利用關鍵字演算法行銷頻道;善盡守門員職責,維持頻道真實度。 2.業配影片融合Youtuber本身頻道與個人風格,利用有趣內容帶出業配目的且不可過於誇大,方能影響受眾消費行為。 3.平均觀看數量已超越訂閱數成為廣告主挑選合作方的必要條件,故關鍵再次合作因素為觀看數與留言數。 4.從留言互動分析頻道受眾特色,並以數據化合作成效確認受眾含金量,作為往後與廣告主商議的基石。 Youtuber, a new career that has sprung up through the Youtube platform in recent years, has become one of the choices of many young people`s careers, and the barrier to entry in the industry is not high, but it is not easy to earn money by operating a Youtube channel. On the Youtube platform, where more than 400 hours of videos are uploaded every minute, how to achieve the ultimate goal - become outstanding from plenty of video makers and gain profit from the channel. This study aims to help channel operators understand the following questions: Question 1: How can YouTubers maintain a stable relationship with their audience? Question 2: How do YouTubers create widely accepted advertorial videos? Question 3: How do advertisers choose YouTubers to work with? Question 4: When advertisers come looking for collaboration, how can Youtubers and advertisers produce win-win works and access to persistent collaboration?
In this study, the qualitative research method was used as the main research method, and using purposive sampling method to confirm the qualify interview subjects list base on the research structure. A semi-structured interview outline was developed to interview the research subjects. Through the in-depth interviews with YouTubers, advertisers, agencies, and audiences, we can summarize and analyze the connections between key stakeholders: 1.Youtuber provides advertisers with cooperative works including live broadcasts, videos, attending graphic events or endorsements. Advertisers return cash revenue, services, products, advertisement benefits or purchasing power of audiences. 2.Advertisers provide products and services to the audiences and the audiences return cash revenue, feedback and word-of-mouth effects. 3.Youtubers provide products, services and information to the audience. The audiences supported Youtubers by tangible cash revenue, subscriptions, comments, shares, intangible belonging, trust, and stickiness.
Based on the above findings, this study proposes a business strategy for long-term operation and Youtube channel monetization ability: 1.Utilizing different platforms to interact with each other to strengthen connections with audiences and provide trust. Using of keyword algorithms to market channels. Be a goalkeeper and maintain the authenticity of the channel. 2.The advertorial video combines the Youtuber`s own channel and personal style. Using interesting but not exaggerate content to bring out the purpose of the business in order to influence the audience`s consumption behavior. 3.Average views replace subscriptions to become a necessary condition for advertisers to select partners so the key re-engagement factors are views and comments. 4.Analyzing the audience characteristics of the channel from the comment interaction and confirming the audiences purchasing power through the cooperation result from the data base as the cornerstone of future discussions with advertisers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364112 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364112 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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