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Title: | 普丁治下的俄羅斯 – 生命政治學的視角 A Biopolitics Perspective on Russia under Putin |
Authors: | 莊閔棻 Chuang, Min-Fen |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung-Fang 莊閔棻 Chuang, Min-Fen |
Keywords: | 普丁 俄羅斯 生命政治 保守主義 反同性戀法 男性主義 俄羅斯世界 Putin Russia Biopolitics Conservatism Gay Propaganda Law Masculism Russian World |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:27:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自蘇聯解體和國家社會主義消亡後,俄羅斯陷入嚴重分裂、社會混亂和種族關係緊張的狀況中,因此對於正在成形為國家的俄羅斯來說,為民族身份建立認同感就變成了非常重要的問題。而普丁上任以後,透過回歸到「人」的身上,帶回歷史脈絡中傳統生物本性的道德價值觀、人與社會的關係及生活方式,藉此使大眾更加認同他的統治風格及方式。而這些都與「生命政治學」相符,因此本文將以「生命政治學」作為研究途徑,對普丁的治理進行分析。
本文研究發現,在普丁的治理中,他首先透過操控公眾想像,將自己塑造成為全心奉獻的「新蘇維埃人」、強大的男性領導人和傳統的守護者,並將自身形象延伸到社會政策中,透過生命政治,他帶回了人民根深蒂固的傳統觀念。隨後再由家庭問題轉移到性別問題,並藉此將俄羅斯和自由奔放且「墮落」的西方做出區隔以塑造自我認同。最後,透過「生命政治」和「俄羅斯世界」的概念,普丁透過歷史、文化以及血緣關係將自己與前蘇聯國家重新連繫起來;按此脈絡,普丁將不只是「俄羅斯的國父」,也終將成為「俄羅斯世界的父親」。 After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia had been deeply divided. Suffering from chaos and ethnic conflicts, for a country that had lost its former cognition, it becomes very critical for Russia to establish a sense of national identity. After Putin was elected president, he brought the focus back to “people”. By emphasizing the traditional moral values rooted in the biological human nature, the relationship between man and society, and the way of living life in the past, he made the public agree more with his ruling style and method. These are all consistent with “biopolitics”. Thus, this research will use “biopolitics” as a research approach to analyze Putin`s governance.
As a social science that emerged from the intersection of human biology and political science, biopolitics focuses on the relationship between people, sovereignty, and power. From Putin`s image to his attempt of defending traditional values, he has continuously made the elements of biopolitics a part of his governance policy. Through the “inclusion” and “exclusion” of biopolitics, Putin distinguished “us” and “the other”, and thus achieved the purpose of strengthening the Russian people`s identification with him and their own culture.
This research found that during Putin’s governance, he first manipulated the public imagination to portray himself as a devoted “New Soviet Man”, a powerful male leader, and a guardian of traditional values. Then, he extended his image to his social policies. Through biopolitics, he brought back the traditional values that are deeply rooted in Russian culture. Hereafter, he shifted from family issues to LGBTQ issues and used relative discourses to separate Russia from the free-spirited and “morally degenerated” West to shape Russia’s self-identity. Finally, through the concept of “biopolitics” and the idea of the “Russian world”, Putin reconnected himself and Russia with the former Soviet countries through shared history, culture, and blood; According to this context, Putin will not only become the “father of Russia”, but will eventually become the “father of the Russian world”. |
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