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Title: | 區塊鏈技術對手機遊戲影響之研究 - 以《傳奇 4》為例 A study on the Influence of blockchain technology on mobile games - A case study of MIR 4 |
Authors: | 金振國 Kim, Jin-Kuk |
Contributors: | 詹文男 尚孝純 金振國 Kim, Jin-Kuk |
Keywords: | 區塊鏈 區塊鏈遊戲 傳奇4 產品生命週期 留存率 Retention rate Blockchain Blockchain game MIR4 Product life cycle |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:21:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣遊戲行業發展至今,以PC遊戲為基準已經有20多個年頭。作為一名玩家,同時也是一名從業人員的我,見證了整個遊戲的發展過程:從街機遊戲到主機遊戲,接續90年代的線上遊戲,到現在的手機遊戲。
本研究以應用區塊鏈遊戲的經典《傳奇4》為例,透過邀請產業代表性人物與資深玩家以深度訪談方式,綜合整理出區塊鏈的特性對於遊戲產業與遊戲產品生命週期、留存率產生哪些影響,以及遊戲可能發展的新形態商業模式? 經由專家訪談及次級資料整理研究發現,應用區塊鏈技術的遊戲能延長產品生命週期及顯著提升玩家在遊戲中的留存率,並且讓玩家獲得虛擬資產的擁有權。這對遊戲公司或玩家而言,無疑是雙贏的策略。 The PC game industry has been developed for more than 20 years in Taiwan. As a player and a practitioner in this field, I have witnessed the entire development process of game industry:from arcade games to console games, online games in 90s, and now the mobile games. Now a day, the global market and the environment have changed rapidly, user’s habits and marketing skills are deeply influencing the gaming industry.
This research takes《MIR4》, one of the most representative games worldwide that applies blockchain game technology, as an example. By inviting industry representative figures and senior players to conduct in-depth interviews, this research indicates what influences the features of blockchain have for the gaming industry, produce lifecycle, retention rate, as well as potential business models for the future development of games. After interviewing the experts and studying the secondary data, it is found that games applying blockchain technology can effectively extend the product life cycle and significantly improve player’s retention rate in the game. In addition, to allow players to have the right to posse virtual assets. These features therefore form a positive and effective cycle for game companies or players, and provide new opportunities and impetus for the game industry.
This thesis also aims to provide help and inspiration for those in the industry and outside the industry who want to understand games applying blockchain technology |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932068 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932068 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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