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Title: | 資訊呈現形式與互動性對閱聽人的影響 The impact of information presentation styles and interactivity on readers |
Authors: | 古宗儒 Ku, Tsung-Ju |
Contributors: | 鄭霈絨 廖峻鋒 Cheng, Pei-Jung Liao, Chun-Feng 古宗儒 Ku, Tsung-Ju |
Keywords: | 資訊圖像 資訊呈現形式 互動性 閱讀理解 認知負荷 Infographics Information presentation style Interactivity Reading comprehension Cognitive load |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:13:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 運用聊天機器人與使用者互動溝通是目前醫療衛生單位在社群媒體進行健康資訊傳播的媒介趨勢,除了能夠讓閱聽人主動地接收與篩選資訊內容,閱聽人也能與聊天機器人平台的對話過程中,藉由互動點擊與選擇加深他們對於資訊內容的記憶。
研究結果顯示:(1)當閱聽人與聊天機器人進行「主動式」對話時,觀看「資訊圖像」形式之閱讀理解成效高於「純文字」形式;(2)當閱聽人在聊天機器人中觀看「資訊圖像」內容,進行「主動式」對話的閱讀理解成效高於「反應式」對話;(3)閱聽人觀看「純文字」形式的資訊內容,其認知負荷會高於觀看「資訊圖像」形式;而閱聽人與聊天機器人進行「反應式」對話的認知負荷則會高於進行「主動式」對話;(4)在聊天機器人平台的對話脈絡下,閱聽人的認知負荷不會影響閱讀理解。 It is a trend for many medical and health institutions uses chatbots as a carrier of health communication on social media. In addition to allowing readers to receive and filter information content actively, readers also strengthen their memory on specific information through actively clicking and choosing specific content during the dialogue with chatbot.
Therefore, this study uses health communication as the subject of information content. To understand the impact of different information presentation styles and interactivity on reader’s reading comprehension and cognitive load under the dialogue context of chatbot platform, and the relationship between reader’s cognitive load and reading comprehension, the study manipulates “text-only” and “infographics” which are commonly used on chatbot platform as the variable of “information presentation styles difference”; and the “reactive” dialogue of single path click and the “proactive” dialogue of multi-path click are used as the variables of the “interactive methods difference”. Based on the above variables, four kinds of chatbot experimental samples are designed and developed. The dependent variables are reader’s “reading comprehension” and “cognitive load” on dialoguing with the four kinds of experimental samples. This study used between-subjects design to carry out the online questionnaires, and collected the results of the questionnaire survey, 4 samples with 70 subjects each (280 survey results were collected). Finally, the study compared the differences of the reading comprehension and the cognitive load on the health information between the subjects respectively watched four kinds of experimental samples.
The findings of the study are: (1)While the reader is having a “proactive” dialogue with chatbot, the reading comprehension on watching “infographics” style is better than that on watching “text-only” style; (2)While the reader is watching the content with “infographics” style in the chatbot, the reading comprehension on “proactive” dialogue is higher than that on “reactive” dialogue; (3)The cognitive load of the readers viewing the information content with “text-only” style is higher than that with “infographics” style; and the cognitive load of the readers having a “reactive” dialogue with the chatbot is higher than that of “proactive” dialogue; (4)Under the chatbot dialogue context, the cognitive load of readers will not affect their reading comprehension. |
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