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Title: | 21世紀阿拉伯區域主義的弱化:石油豐富的君主國與其「翻新的」國家資本主義的影響 The weakening of Arab regionalism in the 21st century: the influence of “refurbished” state capitalism in oil-rich monarchies |
Authors: | 呂懿倫 Lu, I-Lun |
Contributors: | 李佳怡 Lee, Chia-Yi 呂懿倫 Lu, I-Lun |
Keywords: | 「翻新的」國家資本主義 阿拉伯區域主義 國有企業 主權財富基金 石油豐富的阿拉伯君主國 “Refurbished” state capitalism Arab regionalism State-owned enterprise Sovereign wealth fund Oil-rich Arab monarchies |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:09:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 阿拉伯區域主義的發展自第二次世界大戰結束以來已有超過半世紀的歷史,其間亦於20世紀末期完成了區域內自由貿易區的簽署。不過在進入21世紀以後,卻有許多跡象顯示阿拉伯區域主義的發展出現了停滯、乃至於弱化的現象,而這與區域內主導區域主義發展的產油君主國蓬勃發展的國內經濟形成對比。本文旨在分析阿拉伯區域主義當今的「弱化」與區域內占主導地位的產油君主國所實行的政治經濟方針之間是否存在因果關係。從歷史背景出發,本文爬梳了相關文獻,並選擇以阿拉伯產油君主國當中的四個(沙烏地阿拉伯、科威特、阿拉伯聯合大公國、卡達)作為個案進行研究。此外,本文亦採用「翻新的」國家資本主義作為核心理論架構,認為其務實主義之特色與旗下所含之國有企業與主權財富基金等工具皆符合本文所選之個案國家的政治經濟模式。透過對個案國家的發展脈絡以及其與區域、國際層次互動的分析,本文發現四個個案國家的「翻新的」國家資本主義從起步至趨於成熟的轉變有如形成「催化劑」一般的作用,使這些國家以石油為基礎的經濟發展成果與利得更大程度地被投入於與國際經濟的互動而非推動區域主義的發展,因而間接影響了進入21世紀後阿拉伯區域主義「弱化」的結果。 Arab regionalism has been developed for more than half century since the end of World War II, and this region also signed a free trade agreement in the end of 20th century. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, several signs indicate the stagnation or even weakening of Arab regionalism. This is in contrast to the booming domestic economy in the oil-rich monarchies that have led the development of Arab regionalism. This thesis aims to examine whether there is a causal relationship between the “weakening” of Arab regionalism and the political-economic policies pursued by the dominant oil-rich monarchies in the region. Starting from the historical background, this thesis reviews the relevant literature, and selects four Arab oil-rich monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar) for case studies. In addition, this thesis also adopts the “refurbished” state capitalism as the theoretical framework, arguing that its main features such as pragmatism and tools including state-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds match the political-economic policies pursued by the selected countries. By analyzing the development path in the case study countries and their interaction with the regional and international systems, this thesis finds that the development of the “refurbished” state capitalism from its formation to its maturity in these countries functions as a “catalyst,” which diverts the achievements and gains of the oil-based economy in these countries more into the interaction with the international economy than the promotion of regionalism, thus indirectly causing the “weakening” of Arab regionalism in the 21st century. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 109253005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109253005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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