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Title: | 「離線權」是否應納入勞基法之研究 The Feasibility of Incorporating Right on Disconnection In Labor Standards Act |
Authors: | 胡育寧 Hu, Yu-Ning |
Contributors: | 王惠玲 Wang, Hui-Ling 胡育寧 Hu, Yu-Ning |
Keywords: | 離線權 休息權 工作與生活平衡 平衡勞資關係 不當勞動行為 Right to disconnect Right to rest Work-life balance Industrial Relationship balance Unfair labor practice |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:08:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於通訊軟體的發達導致勞動者受網路科技影響,台灣勞工大部分處於隨 時可聯繫、亦即「在線」的狀態。且下班後接收到遠距勞務交辦,在任何形式 的勞動契約上皆成為可能,而不僅限於傳統定義之遠距工作者或電傳勞動者, 一般勞工因此處於隨時在線導致難以於工作時間結束後拒絕加班,並擔憂若拒 絕或忽視公務訊息可能隨之而來的懲處。離線權為保障勞動者能在休息時間自 主決定欲從事行為,充分發揮休息權使勞動力恢復的基本勞動權利,本文擷取 我國勞動權利保護的背景,與法國、德國、美國紐約州與其他各國對離線權相 關的討論,考量政治面、商業面與社會面並交互比較,研究認為我國離線權適 用應及於所有具有明確工作時間與休息時間劃分的勞動型態之勞動者,應針對 中小型以上規模之企業做出限制與懲罰機制,禁止其因勞工行使離線權而作出 懲處,並制定適當救濟管道與觀念教育宣導方案。然而,研究認為應以德國與 美國紐約州尚未能順利頒布法案的境遇為戒,雖普及離線權觀念,也須強調此 法規介入之時僅發生於員工因行使離線權而受不當處分,以及當員工同意交付 勞務卻無獲得加班工資的情況,而不及於雇主僅僅行使以通訊軟體提出勞務交 付的請求權時,以在企業發展與勞動者工作與生活平衡之間創造雙贏。 Due to the development of communication technology, most of the labor in Taiwan can be contacted by employers or colleagues anywhere at any time, which is so-called "always-online" situation. Not only for traditionally remote workers or teleworkers, receiving requests to get back to work after off-duty is becoming possible in any pattern of employment contract, resulting in difficulty of refusing to work overtime and the worry to the punishment of overtime work rejection. To solve the situation, discussions about “the right to disconnect” happened. Right of disconnection means the workers can arrange and take the control of what they would like to do during their rest time without any of interference. This article is conducted with the reference of the background of labor rights protection in Taiwan and researches of right to disconnect issue from France, Germany, U.S. New York State, and other countries, also considering the aspects of politic, commercialization and socialization, and compare with them interactively. This research indicates that the right to disconnect should apply to all workers with a clear division of working hours and rest periods. Restriction and punishment mechanisms should be established for enterprises with the scale above small and medium-sized enterprises and prohibit them from punishing workers who implement the right to disconnect. Also, appropriate channels for emergency relief system , conceptional education and publicity programs should be formulated. This research also believes that the failure of Germany and New York to enact the bill should be taken as a warning. Although the concept of disconnection rights is popularized, it must be emphasized that the intervention should only occurs when employees are improperly punished for implemented the right and employees agree to provide services but are not paid for overtime work, but should not include the implement of the right of employers to request labor services, in order to create a win-win situation between the development of the enterprise and the work-life balance of labor. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 107262015 |
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