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    Title: 藍領移工轉換雇主或工作之問題與困境探討
    The research on the problems and difficulties of blue-collar migrant workers changing employers or jobs
    Authors: 王曉雲
    Wang, Shiau-Yun
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Wang, Shiau-Yun
    Keywords: 移工
    Migrant workers
    Guest workers
    Foreign workers
    Change employers
    Migrant workers retention and long-term use program
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:07:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 藍領移工在臺人數已高達67萬人,對臺灣產業及經濟發展貢獻良多,故不論從國際間勞動人權保障,或經濟面人力資本考量,都有必要檢視及反思我國藍領移工人力資本管理政策,如何減少移工勞動力的流失,引導與培力移工投入較具發展性的工作,不再局限於次級勞動市場,故延伸探討「留用外國中階技術人力計畫」,簡稱移工留才久用方案,使移工不再受工作年限限制,可規劃長期職涯發展。
    The population of blue-collar migrant workers in Taiwan has reached 670,000. They have contributed a lot to Taiwan`s industrial and economic development. However, due to human rights efforts from international labor organization and human capital considerations, it is necessary to review and reflect on Taiwan`s blue-collar migrant worker management policy. As for how to help reduce their manpower loss, and guide as well as train them to join jobs that are of developmental nature and no longer limited to the secondary labor market. Therefore, investigating the so-called "Retention of Foreign Middle-level Technical Manpower Program", a policy designed formigrant workers’ retention and long-term manpower utilization, this study aims to help them get rid of their working seniority limitation so that they are able to have long-term career plan and development.
    This thesisexamines the current Employment Service Act with regards to the regulations and conditions under which migrant workers are able to change employers or jobs. Literature review on immigration control measures and punishments shows the disadvantages and barriers that migrant workers encounter when hunting jobs and changing employers, specifically their disadvantages being summarized as follows: 1. Migrant workers lack the freedom to choose their jobs; 2. The information of job search for migrant workers is not clear; 3. There is no income while waiting for new employers; 4. The review and management operation of migrant worker quotas is ineffective; 5. The employer`s business risks and violations of law affect the employment rights of migrant workers; 6. The success ratio of migrant workers’ changing new employers is too low, etc.
    Through interviews with new employers and those who are involved in this case, including representatives of central and local government, agencies, and non-governmental organizations, this study has a better understanding of whether the system or policy in processing migrant workers transfer is appropriate or not and whether it has deviated or achieved the original policy objectives after actual implementation. There are 13 problems and dilemmas with the regard to the transfer of employers and jobs to migrant workers.In the first stage, it involves the matching procedures before their transfer, the verification mechanism for false applications for employment of migrant workers, and the problem of cross-industry transfer; The second stage concerns the rationality of the number of days for their waiting for new employers, accommodation and pass-on charges, and optimization of the work transferring coordination meeting; The third stage refers to the adaptation and retention challenges after transferring; The last stage is the challenges after migrant workers retention and long-term stay whenthey gain new identities.
    Finally, five suggestions are proposed: firstly, strengthen matching, and break the principle of one out and one in; Secondly, turn passive into active, from management to cultivation; Thirdly, nursing migrants should be included into the long-term care system and increase their subsidies if they gain better skills; Forthly, improve migrant workers` living conditions through different measures according to the degree of risks; Lastly, establish a special law on the retention of foreign middle-level technical workers. In sum, the above suggestions are proposed in order to amend policy that can relaxes rules on migrant workers’ changing employers.
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