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Title: | 防空士官長轉服作戰軍官軍旅生涯之個案研究 Study on career transferring of master sergeant into tactical officer of air defense in Taiwan |
Authors: | 范紘維 Fan, Hung-Wei |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 范紘維 Fan, Hung-Wei |
Keywords: | 軍旅生涯發展 生涯轉換 短程防空部隊 防空飛彈部隊 Military career development Career transition Short-range air defense battery Air defense missile battery |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:05:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要目的在以軍旅生涯發展和生涯轉換角度為基礎,探討國軍士官幹部得以在軍事職務階級轉換成功上所需要具備的條件與努力,期許對有志於自我挑戰之國軍士官幹部提供他山之石。研究對象為曾在短程防空部隊擔任連士官督導長並已完成軍事職務階級轉換的現役防空飛彈部隊少校作戰軍官。藉由文獻回顧法、半結構深度訪談法瞭解個案在擔任國軍士官幹部的軍旅生涯發展歷程,並探討其由短程防空部隊士官長轉任防空飛彈部隊作戰軍官的驅動因素、個人軍旅生涯規劃以及在新職務工作角色上所遭遇之挑戰和適應方法。 研究發現分述如下: 一、研究個案會成為防空飛彈部隊作戰軍官的重要因素,主要為個人自我實現。 二、造成個案生涯轉換的主要因素為自我內心動機滿足、原生家庭教育、薪餉待遇以及外在觀感。 三、在擔任士官時期,開始思考生涯轉換的重要因素,主要為擔憂自我專業能力不足,進而積極尋求自我能力提升及突破。 四、生涯轉換後的適應上,相較於士官幹部僅負責任務的執行,作戰軍官除了須參與任務的執行之外,更須針對任務執行前的規劃及執行後的成效,擁有全般性的掌握。 五、個人自我要求、榮譽感及工作熱情,對於生涯轉換後的自我實現擁有高度幫助。 本研究針對陸軍高中(士官教育班隊)學生、部隊士官幹部、空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部與空軍司令部提出以下建議。陸軍高中學生在求學階段,應時常反問內心對於往後的軍旅生涯有何憧憬,並跟隨內心的憧憬尋求在軍事方面上的工作興趣,進一步培養與未來工作興趣相關的專長及提升熱情,及早為自己做好軍事職務階級轉換的準備;部隊士官幹部應該要瞭解到相較於軍官職務而言,其軍旅生涯發展相對受限,而為開拓個人發展,同時擁有更為宏觀的國際視野,所以應善加利用工作之餘,培養第二專長及外語能力,針對生涯轉換隨時做好準備;軍事訓練學校、空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部與空軍司令部等人才培育以及政策規劃、執行單位方面,則可以藉由教育師資的更新、受訓班隊的定期舉辦和專業、領導能力課程的深入強化,提供給部隊士官幹部系統性及連貫性的生涯轉換訓練。 The main purpose of this study is to explore the efforts and preparations made by the non-commissioned officers of the Republic of China in the transition of military positions based on the perspective of military career development and career transition. The subject of the study was a tactical control officer of the air defense missile battery who had served as the master sergeant in the short-range air defense battery and had completed the transition of military positions. By means of literature review, semi-structured and depth interviews, we understand the military career development process of the subject as a non-commissioned officer and delve into the driving factors, as well as his military career planning. We can also understand the challenges and adaptation methods that the subject encountered in the new job. The results of study are as following: 1.Self-realization is the most important factor to the subject to transfer into tactical control officer of the air defense missile battery. 2.The main factors causing the career transition of the subject are self-motivation satisfaction, native family education, salary and benefits, and social perceptions. 3.Worrying about the lack of self-proficiency in the job had become the main concern and made him seeking self-improvement when he served as a non-commissioned officer. 4.In terms of adaptation after career transition, compared with non-commissioned officers who are only responsible for the execution of tasks, tactical control officers must not only participate in the execution of tasks, but also have a comprehensive grasp of the planning before and after the execution of the tasks. 5.Having personal self-requirement, sense of honor and enthusiasm for the work are highly helpful to the subject for self-realization after career transition. This study puts forward the following suggestions for the students of the Army Academy R.O.C. (non-commissioned officer education class), the military non-commissioned officer, the Air Defense and Missile Command and the Air Force Command Headquarters, MND. First, students of the Army Academy should always ask themselves about their vision for the military career in the future, then follow their inner vision to seek military work interests, further develop the expertise and enthusiasm related to future work interests and serve as early as possible. Second, Army non-commissioned officers should understand that compared with military officers, their career development in the military is relatively limited. In order to develop personal development and have a broader international perspective, they should make good use of their spare time to cultivate the ability of second language, ready for career transition at any time. Finally, military training schools, Air Defense and Missile Command and Air Force Command Headquarters, MND can provide systematic and consistent career transition training for non-commissioned officer by updating instructors regularly and increasing the courses of leadership. |
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