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Title: | 《登高望樂 – 江致潔的配樂旅程》 紀錄片創作論述 The Creative Discourse of the Documentary Mountain Climbing for Notes : Jesy Chiang’s Film Music Scoring Journey |
Authors: | 許俊傑 Hsu, Chun-Chieh |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 許俊傑 Hsu, Chun-Chieh |
Keywords: | 電影音樂 配樂 江致潔 登高望樂 Film Music Score Jesy Chiang Mountain Climbing for Notes |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:01:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 電影出現在台灣已有百年的歷史,自最早的默片播映開始,音樂就一直伴隨著影像存在至今,兩者相輔相成、缺一不可。本片《登高望樂 – 江致潔的配樂旅程》紀錄下配樂作曲家與導演之間緊密的互動,透過鏡頭的紀錄,將影音彼此對話、共存、互利的狀態,真實並完整的呈現。 《登高望樂 – 江致潔的配樂旅程》透過跟拍的方式,透過江致潔的工作與生活,引領觀眾走進電影配樂的世界。並以鏡頭詳實紀錄配樂創作的歷程,討論配樂與影像之間如何對話以完整一件作品。 本論文詳實紀錄片前期籌備、拍攝與後製期的步驟歷程,最終也將透過影片的公開放映,吸取觀者的回饋與建議,做為日後創作的延伸與參考。 Cinema has been in Taiwan for more than a hundred years. From its beginning till today, Films are shown and accompanied by music. The relationship between sound and image become indispensable. The documentary, Mountain Climbing for Notes : Jesy Chiang’s Film Music Scoring Journey, looks at the close interaction between music composer and film director. By making this documentary, we present the state of dialogue, coexistence, and mutual benefit between music and image in a film.
By following and filming closely Jesy Chiang’s work and her life, this documentary will demonstrate her music works, it will lead the audience entering the world of music, and the process of creating film music in details. Through the literature review, the evolution of film music and its accompanied innovation of technology in film will be discussed. Documentaries of similar subjects will be examined in terms of their various narrative structures and film styles. The production process of this documentary in pre-production, filming process, and post-production will be reported in this thesis. Finally, the public screening of Mountain Climbing for Notes : Jesy Chiang’s Film Music Scoring Journey will help this filmmaker collecting feedbacks and suggestions from the audience for the further improvement of its next version. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 104941008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104941008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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