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Title: | 中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習關係之研究 Examining the relationships among Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary school |
Authors: | 楊詠翔 Yang, Yong-Siang |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 Chin, Meng-Chun 楊詠翔 Yang, Yong-Siang |
Keywords: | 校長學習領導 教師專業資本 學生深層學習 結構方程模式 多層次模式 多層次結構方程模式 Leadership for Learning of Principals Professional Capital of Teachers Deeper Learning of Students Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Multilevel Modeling (MLM) Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-02-08 15:30:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解當前中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之現況;分析不同背景變項下中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之差異;探討中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之相關;研究中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之線性結構關係;探究中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之多層次中介效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,並以臺北市、新北市、桃園市、基隆市、新竹市及新竹縣中等學校(高中、高職、國中)的校長、教師及學生為研究對象,抽取51所學校,回收有效樣本共計1,237份(含校長問卷50份、教師問卷591份及學生問卷596份)。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與薛費法、積差相關、結構方程模式、多層次模式及多層次結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。 本研究的主要結論如下: 壹、中等學校校長與教師覺知「校長學習領導」及「教師專業資本」之程度為「高」;教師與學生覺知「學生深層學習」之程度為「中高」。 貳、碩士學歷的校長覺知整體「校長學習領導」之程度較高,不同性別、年齡及年資的校長則無顯著差異;不同性別、年齡、學歷及年資的校長覺知整體「教師專業資本」之程度均無顯著差異。 參、男性教師、主任或組長覺知整體「校長學習領導」之程度較高,不同年齡、學歷及年資的教師則無顯著差異;男性教師覺知整體「教師專業資本」之程度較高,不同年齡、學歷、職務及年資的教師則無顯著差異;男性教師、主任或組長、10年(含)以下年資的教師覺知整體「學生深層學習」之程度較高,不同年齡及學歷的教師則無顯著差異。 肆、不同性別及年級的學生覺知整體「學生深層學習」之程度均無顯著差異。 伍、臺北市中等學校的校長與教師覺知整體「校長學習領導」及「教師專業資本」之程度較高,不同規模、歷史、學制及性質的中等學校的校長與教師則無顯著差異;高中及國中的教師與學生覺知整體「學生深層學習」之程度較高,不同地區、規模、歷史及性質的中等學校的教師與學生則無顯著差異。 陸、中等學校校長較教師覺知整體「校長學習領導」之程度高;校長與教師覺知整體「教師專業資本」之程度無顯著差異;學生較教師覺知整體「學生深層學習」之程度高。 柒、中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習彼此間存在中度正相關。 捌、中等學校校長學習領導對教師專業資本、教師專業資本對學生深層學習具有直接效果。 玖、中等學校校長學習領導透過教師專業資本對學生深層學習產生影響,具有中介效果。 拾、中等學校校長學習領導、教師專業資本與學生深層學習之模式適配度良好且具交叉驗證效度。 根據上述結論,本研究提出建議如下: 壹、對教育主管機關之建議 一、持續推動校長學習領導之人才培育相關計畫。 二、擴大推行教師專業發展與學習社群相關體系。 三、引導中等學校落實學生學習與心理輔導工作。 貳、對中等學校校長之建議 一、鼓勵教師擔任行政職以利具體實踐學習願景。 二、積極爭取資源提供教師課程與教學增能機會。 三、安排專家教師輔導資淺教師增進其專業判斷。 參、對中等學校教師之建議 一、參與教師專業學習社群或進修提升專業素養。 二、時刻不斷省思課程與教學並從實務累積經驗。 三、輔導學生課業學習深化且適時予以生活關懷。 肆、對中等學校學生之建議 一、主動投入同儕間合作學習促進彼此互助成長。 二、尋求不同的學習方法並思考最佳的學習效果。 三、正向面對學習歷程之逆境且對自己充滿信心。 伍、對未來研究之建議 一、開拓新興研究變項並適度增加研究變項。 二、擴大抽樣校數並納入多種研究對象調查。 三、採用測驗技術分析題項並考量線上施測。 四、運用多元的方法學進行資料分析與應用。 The main purposes of this study are: (1) to understand the current situation of Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary schools; (2) to analyze the diversity of different background variables in Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary schools; (3) to discuss the relationships among Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary schoosl; (4) to investigate the linear structural relationship of Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary schools; (5) to explore the multilevel mediation effect of Leadership for Learning of Principals, Professional Capital of Teachers, and Deeper Learning of Students in secondary schools. Questionnaire survey was utilised in this study, and 1,237 respondents (including 50 principals, 591 teachers, and 596 students) in 51 secondary schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Keelung City, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County were random chosen as the research subjects. The data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples t-Test, One-Way ANOVA and Scheffé Method, Product-Moment Correlation, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Multilevel Modeling (MLM), as well as Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM). The results of this study as below: 1.The level of awareness of “Leadership for Learning of Principals” and “Professional Capital of Teachers” by principals and teachers in secondary schools is “high“; the level of awareness of “Deeper Learning of Students” by teachers and students is “mid-high”. 2.Principals with the master`s degree perceive a higher level of overall “Leadership for Learning of Principals”, while principals with different genders, ages, and seniority have no significant differences; there is no significant difference in the level of overall “Professional Capital of Teachers” perceived by principals with different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, and seniority. 3.Male teachers, directors or section chief perceive a higher level of overall “Leadership for Learning of Principals”, while teachers with different different ages, educational backgrounds, and seniority have no significant differences; male teachers perceive a higher level of overall “Professional Capital of Teachers”, while teachers with different ages, educational backgrounds, position, and seniority have no significant differences; male teachers, directors or section chief, and teachers with 10 years or less seniority perceive a higher degree of overall “Deeper Learning of Students”, while teachers with different ages and educational backgrounds have no significant differences. 4.There is no significant difference in the level of overall “Deeper Learning of Students” perceived by students with different genders and grades. 5.Principals and teachers in secondary schools in Taipei City perceive a higher level of overall “Leadership for Learning of Principals” and “Professional Capital of Teachers”, while principals and teachers in secondary schools of different school system, sizes, histories, and characteristics have no significant differences; teachers and students in senior high school and junior high school perceive a higher level of overall “Deeper Learning of Students”, while teachers and students in secondary schools of different regions, sizes, histories, and characteristics have no significant differences. 6.Principals are more aware of the overall “Leadership for Learning of Principals” than teachers in secondary schools; there is no significant difference in the overall “Professional Capital of Teachers” awareness between principals and teachers in secondary schools; students are more aware of the overall “Deeper Learning of Students” than teachers. 7.“Leadership for Learning of Principals”, “Professional Capital of Teachers”, and “Deeper Learning of Students” in secondary schools are moderate positive correlation. 8.“Leadership for Learning of Principals” has a direct effect on “Professional Capital of Teachers”, and “Professional Capital of Teachers” has a direct effect on “Deeper Learning of Students” in secondary schools. 9.“Leadership for Learning of Principals” has a mediating effect on “Deeper Learning of Students” through “Professional Capital of Teachers” in secondary schools. 10.The models of “Leadership for Learning of Principals”, “Professional Capital of Teachers”, and “Deeper Learning of Students” in secondary schools have goodness-of-fit and cross-validation. According to the result, here are some recommendations as below: 1.For educational administration authorities (1)Continuing to promote the talent cultivation projests for leadership for learning of principals. (2)Expand the implementation of teachers` professional development and learning community systems. (3)Guide secondary schools to implement the work of student learning and psychological counseling. 2.For principals in secondary schools (1)Encourage teachers to take up administrative positions to facilitate the practice of learning vision. (2)Actively strive for resources to provide teachers with opportunities for energization of curriculum and instruction. (3)Arrange expert teachers to guide junior teachers to improve their professional judgment. 3.For teachers in secondary schools (1)Participate in professional learning communities for teachers or in‑service education program to improve professional quality. (2)Reflect on curriculum and instruction constantly and accumulate experience from practice. (3)Counseling students to reinfore their academic studies and provide adequately care for their lives. 4.For students in secondary schools (1)Actively engage in cooperative learning among peers to promote mutual growth. (2)Seek different learning styles and think about the best learning effect. (3)Face the adversity of the learning process positively and have full confidence in yourself. 5.For following research in the future (1)Develop emerging research variables and moderately increase research variables. (2)Develop emerging research variables and moderately increase research variables. (3)Employ test test analysis technique to analyze items and consider online test. (4)Using multiple methodologies for data analysis and application. |
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