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    Title: 新北市私立幼兒園創新經營與幼兒園效能關係之研究
    A Study on the Relationship between Innovative Management and Effectiveness for Private Preschools in New Taipei City
    Authors: 江秀錦
    Chiang, Hsiu-Chin
    Contributors: 湯志民

    Tang, Chih-Min
    Chen, Yu-Hui

    Chiang, Hsiu-Chin
    Keywords: 創新經營
    Innovative management
    Preschool effectiveness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-02-08 15:06:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在了解新北市私立幼兒園創新經營與幼兒園效能之現況,分析不同背景變項之教保服務人員在幼兒園創新經營與幼兒園效能之差異情形,探究幼兒園創新經營與幼兒園效能之相關情形,探究幼兒園創新經營對幼兒園效能之預測力。


    The purpose of this research is to understand the current situation of innovative mangement and effectiveness for private preschool in New Taipei City. This study analyzes the difference between innovative management and preschool effectiveness of educare givers with different background variables. This research explores the relationship between preschool innovative management and preschool effectiveness. It also discnsses the predictive power of preschool innovative management on preschool effectiveness.
    This research adopts the questionnaire survey method. The preschool innovation management and preschool effectiveness questionnaire has good reliability and validity. The study participants are based on the educare givers of private preschools in New Taipei City. A total of 100 private preschools were sampled, 680 questionnaires were sent out, 651 were effectively received with effective recovery of 95.74%. Data processing was analyzed and discussed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
    The conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. New Taipei City’s private educare givers perceive preschool innovation as a high degree, with the highest perception of “preschool innovative management”.
    2. New Taipei City private educare givers perceive preschool effectiveness as a high degree, and the perception degree of "environmental creation effectiveness" is the highest.
    3. Educare givers with different background variables in private preschools in New Taipei City, 31-40 years old, with less than five years of service in preschool and non-profit preschool, have a higher awareness of innovative teaching on the curriculum of innovative management.
    4. Educare givers with different background variables in private preschools in New Taipei City, educare givers with the in non-profit preschools, have a higher perception of the preschool effectiveness, the preschool management efficiency and the teaching quality of teachers due to their different positions.
    5. There is a high positive correlation between preschool innovative management and preschool effectiveness.
    6. The innovation management has predictive power for preschool performance as a whole and each structure, and environment creation innovation has the most predictive power.

    Finally, based on the results of this study, the following specific suggestions are offered as the reference for educational administrative agencies and future related research.
    1. Make good use of the innovative advantages of preschool working, environment teaching and strengthening children`s skills in the application and innovation of science and technology, so as to improve the effectiveness of preschool innovative management.
    2. Safety is the first priority for preschools, and environmental creation and innovation are the top priority. Making good use of technological aids to improve the efficiency of preschool management, taking into account safety and strict control, will help improve preschool effectiveness.
    3. Promote the upgrading of the teaching team, pay attention to the influence of the principal and the preschool `s attributes on preschool innovative management.
    4. Encourage the elderly, administrative supervisors and senior educare givers who have served in preschools to innovate the operation of the preschool. It is necessary to challenge new knowledge and enhance the sense of self-achievement in order to create the advantages of preschool innovative management.
    5. The principals of private preschools should actively participate in preschool management and teaching, and take the initiative to care about the teaching quality of education and security service personnel, so as to improve preschool effectiveness.
    6. Promote environmental creation innovation, curriculum teaching innovation advantages, create a high-quality learning environment and improve the efficacy
    7. Actively build the environment to create innovations, implement innovative business strategies, and build dreams for practical and sustainable operations.
    8. Suggestions for future related research.
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