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    Title: 縮圖設計如何引發閱聽人注意力: 眼動追蹤研究
    How thumbnail design affects the audience’s attention: An eye tracking study
    Authors: 黃士倩
    Huang, Shih-Chien
    Contributors: 陳百齡

    Chen, Pai-Lin
    Chen, Yih-siu

    Huang, Shih-Chien
    Keywords: 影視縮圖
    Mixed processing mode
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-01-05 15:19:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要在探討影視縮圖的設計如何影響閱聽人的注意力。影視縮圖為出現在影音串流平台中的小方形影視圖片,閱聽者可以從影視縮圖中預先瀏覽關於影視的重要資訊(如:片名、演員)。而影視縮圖通常呈現在龐大訊息量的環境中,因此為了能夠在短時間內吸引閱聽人的注意,縮圖設計必須能夠符應人類配置注意力的機制。然而在影音串流影音平台的情境中,究竟是「醒目」的設計容易吸引閱聽人注意,還是和閱聽人過去經驗「相關」的影視訊息更容易吸引其注意力?而「相關性」和「醒目性」之間是否會受到彼此強度的影響而對閱聽人注意力產生不同的變化?本研究以「混合處理模式」中的相關性和醒目性概念在影視縮圖設計上的應用為主題進行研究。
    本研究採用眼球追蹤法的方式進行實驗。實驗中的主要自變項為「相關性」和「醒目性」,依變項為「注意力」。相關性部分,本研究以閱聽人的觀影類型偏好與影視縮圖設計的類型為操作定義;醒目性以縮圖中的主體和背景的色彩差異程度進行操控;注意力則以總凝視次數、總凝視時間及返回凝視次數來量測。本研究透過對相關性和醒目性的操縱,設計了4種設計組合的影視縮圖,分別為:高相關高醒目、高相關低醒目、低相關高醒目、低相關低醒目。實驗中將觀測相關性和醒目性對注意力的效果為何。實驗共招募30位受試者,受試者之分組設計採用組內設計(within design),每位受試者皆會觀看4種組合的影視縮圖設計。
    This study investigates how the designs of thumbnails can affect an audience’s attention. Thumbnails are small rectangular pictures that appear in interfaces commonly seen on video streaming platforms. Audiences can use them to browse video selections or to access information about the video. They are often presented in an array of many alternatives. To attract the attention of the audience in a glimpse a thumbnail has to attract the audience’s attention. According to prior literatures, human attention operates by two processes: a top-down process that allocates attention to stimuli relevant to the human (relevance), and a bottom-up process driven by the strength of the physical feature (saliency). In the context of the video streaming platform, which process has a greater impact on viewers’ attention? Will relevance and saliency be affected by each other? This study explored the influence of these two factors in a mixed-processing model.
    This 2x2 eye-tracking experimental study manipulates two independent variables, relevance (defined by whether the thumbnail design conveys the preferred video genre of the viewer) and salience (the color contrast of the thumbnail design.) A total of 30 subjects were recruited for this experiment. In each of the 32 trials, subjects were exposed to four types of thumbnail designs simultaneously, and their eye-tracking data, including fixation count, fixation duration, and run count were captured.
    The findings showed that relevance had a significant effect on attention; saliency had no effect, and there was no interaction effect between relevance and saliency. The results indicated that, in the context of the thumbnail array in video streaming applications, viewers’ attention was attracted by high-relevance thumbnails, and visual salience had little impact. The study also found no interaction between the effect of relevance on attention and the level of saliency. The findings suggest that designs of video thumbnails should focus on conveying the genre of the video to attract viewers’ attention.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109266005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201740
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