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Title: | 以設計思考的角度探討手機APP的開發流程 Exploring the development process of mobile APP from the perspective of design thinking |
Authors: | 劉心瑜 Liu, Hsin-Yu |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng-Shang 劉心瑜 Liu, Hsin-Yu |
Keywords: | 設計 APP開發 設計思考 開發流程 設計思考精神 設計思維 Design APP development Design thinking Development process Design thinking spirit |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-01-05 15:17:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據市調公司的報告,可以得知APP的全球總下載量、訂閱數、收入皆逐年增高,消費者仰賴移動設備完成許多事,使用APP的時間不僅增長,花在APP的金額也不斷增長,換言之,APP市場持續蓬勃發展,但也極為競爭,因此,如何打造一款符合市場趨勢、消費者需求的產品,就顯得更加重要。 設計思考被視為是一個著重在以人為本且創新的解決問題方式,經常被應用在許多領域,深受各企業的青睞,惟過去甚少有探討設計思考與APP開發的關連性之研究,故本研究希望透過設計思考精神之概念,來探討企業如何開發更符合使用者需求之APP產品。 本研究在研究過程中採取質性研究法(Qualitative Research),透過深度訪談個案企業,並佐以次級資料的蒐集來進行分析,所得到的主要結論如下: 一、企業開發APP的流程中,除了一般規劃、開發、測試、上線的流程之外,也會特別強調市場回饋之步驟。 二、企業在APP開發流程中的市場回饋階段,會透過人物誌(Persona)的建立及對APP使用者留存率(Retention Rate)的關注,來提升其APP的存續性。 三、企業在APP開發流程的每一個階段中,皆會強調以使用者為中心的精神,以提升其APP的易用性。 四、具有實驗精神的企業,會在開發APP的初期即不斷檢核新點子的可行性,同時,也會在上線後持續優化產品,以降低產品失敗的風險。 五、企業在APP產品的開發初期,通常還不會對產品太過於樂觀,但隨著逐步把一些問題解決之後,便會對產品越來越有信心。 六、企業在開發APP時,其成員會透過跨領域知識的整合及同理心的實踐,來提升其跨領域合作的成效。
最後,本研究並提出了學術上的貢獻,以及實務上與後續研究上的建議。 According to the report of the market research company, it can be seen that the total global downloads, subscriptions and income of APPs are increasing year by year. Consumers rely on mobile devices to accomplish many things. The time spent using APPs has not only increased, but the amount spent on APPs has also increased. In other words, the APP market is constantly developing and is extremely competitive. How to create a product that meets market trends and consumer needs is even more important. Design thinking is regarded as a people-oriented and innovative problem-solving method, which is often applied in many fields and is favored by various enterprises. However, there have been only few types of research on design thinking and APP development. Therefore, in this research, I hope to capture the spirit of design thinking and discuss how companies that develop apps can create a product that meets the needs of users. This research adopts the qualitative research method in the research process, conducts in-depth interviews with case companies, analysis with secondary data collection, and draws the following six main conclusions: 1. In the process of developing an APP, including the planning, development, testing, and launch steps, the steps of market feedback will be emphasized the most. 2. In the market feedback stage of the APP development process, enterprises will improve the APP`s survival through the establishment of a Persona and attention to the APP user retention rate. 3. In each stage of the APP development process, enterprises will emphasize the user-centered spirit to improve the usability of the APP. 4. Enterprises with the spirit of the experiment will continue to try the feasibility of ideas in the early stage of APP development, and at the same time, they will continue to optimize the product after the launch to reduce the risk of product failure. 5. In the early stage of APP development, enterprises are usually not too optimistic about the product, but after solving many problems, they will become more and more confident in the product. 6. When an enterprise develops an APP, its members will enhance the effectiveness of their cross-domain cooperation through the integration of cross-domain knowledge and the practice of empathy.
Finally, this study also addresses academic contributions and gives suggestions for industrial practices and follow-up research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 108364131 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364131 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201730 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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