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Title: | 軍校臉書經營對報考意願的影響 -以陸軍專科學校為例 The Effect of Facebook Operation on Application Intention to Military Schools - A Case Study of Army Academy R.O.C. |
Authors: | 朱華垣 Chu, Hua-Yuan |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 Hsiao, Nai-Yi 朱華垣 Chu, Hua-Yuan |
Keywords: | 軍事院校 招募 臉書 報考意願 Military Enrollment FB Fan page |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:27:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要 隨著網路及行動裝置的普及,人與人的社交活動已和社群媒體密不可分,在我國,臉書是最廣人使用的社群平台,企業、公部門也多利用臉書來行銷、推廣。而近年受少子化的影響,軍校面臨招生員額不足的困境,要如何提升招生成效,是目前重視與努力的目標。
本研究旨在探討陸軍專科學校所設置的臉書粉絲專頁,對報考意願的影響,以應屆高中生為研究對象進行結構式問卷施測,共回收 147 份有效問卷,進行迴歸分析驗證研究假設,研究結果顯示: 一、考生對於陸軍專科學校的認知越好時,報考意願也越高。 二、考生對於陸專粉專貼文的認知程度越高時,對陸軍專科學校的認知也越好。 三、考生對於陸軍專科學校的認知,在對陸專粉專貼文的認知對報考意願的影響中扮演著中介角色。
依據研究結果,給予軍校相關建議,除了消弭認知差距,避免過多不適應軍中環境而辦理退伍之學生,浪費國家訓練資源,也能廣為宣傳,提升國軍形象,期望我國各軍事院校能培育更多更優質的國軍人才。 Abstract
As the Internet and smartphone have become increasingly popular, the social media are closely related to everyone’s daily life. In Taiwan, Facebook (FB, now Meta) is one of the most popular social media, also such a powerful tool that the government and business use it for marketing and communicating. Meanwhile, how to solve the problem of under-enrollment of the military schools is the most important goal to achieve. Therefore, this Study explores the effect of FB fan page on application intention of the R.O.C. Military Academy. The survey data based on 147 participants, the 12-grade students, were used to test the hypotheses.
The major findings include: (1) The better the survey participants evaluate the R.O.C. Military Academy FB fan page, the better they perceive the R.O.C. Military Academy. (2) The better the participants perceive the R.O.C. Military Academy, the higher their willingness to apply for entrance. (3) By having an effect on the awareness and perception of the R.O.C. Military Academy, the evaluation of the FB fan page affects indirectly the application intention of the survey participants.
Accordingly, there are some management recommendations for improving the methods of enrollment and cultivating more admirable students of R.O.C. Military Academy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921214 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921214 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201712 |
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