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Title: | 數位平台中國用戶的勞動分析:以抖音和 Steam 創意工作坊為例 An Analysis of Chinese Labor of Digital Platforms Users: cases study based on Douyin and Steam Creative Workshop |
Authors: | 黃從嚴 Congyan, Huang |
Contributors: | 馮建三 黃從嚴 Huang Congyan |
Keywords: | 用戶勞動 平台經濟 資本積累 中國平台用戶 User-generated labor Platform economy Capital accumulation Chinese platform users |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:25:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究從中國用戶勞動著手,探討UGC平台經濟的性質、運作機理及其產生的社會歷史條件。UGC平台與其他平台的最大區別是大量的用戶產制內容,因此,釐清用戶勞動的經濟意義,是回答上述問題的關鍵。 依循馬克思勞動價值論,本文提出數位勞動研究的問題意識的轉向:即從本體論上的抽象思辯,轉向以現實經驗為基礎的歷史社會研究,不再孤立地討論用戶勞動是否產生「價值」,而是將「價值」視作資本主義社會的歷史發明。這樣,用戶勞動經濟意義的問題,與平台資本主義化的問題,實則同一問題的兩種表述而已。 本文的重點有四。首先,平台經濟是什麽?平台經濟仍然是以佔有剩餘價值為核心的資本積累模式,不過,這種模式並非從來如此,而是剛剛建立或還在建立之中。在此進程中,資本以一些較不尋常的方式為自己開路。 其次,如何看待用戶勞動的生產性?傳統上地租說與勞動價值說的二元式看法,並不適用於用戶勞動。在平台上,用戶勞動既能生產價值,其價值又能流動至廣告部門,以租的形式隱藏起來。在平台經濟中,「租與役」非不是兩相對立,二者之間的轉化與彼此遮掩,恰恰是資本主義剝削得以進行的機制。 再者,數位平台之於資本主義的意義。平台並不是資本主義在空間上的簡單複製或橫移,平台本身是勞僱雙方經驗勞動關係的、現象學意義上的介面。 最後,儘管我們所研究的平台日趨商業化,但我們仍然發現,一些平台勞動群體發展出了抗拒資本支配的另類意識。 This study, focusing on Chinese user-generated labor, examines the features and mechanism of the UGC platform economy and the socio-historical conditions for its emergence. UGC platforms are distinguished from other platforms by the large amount of user-generated content, so clarifying the economic role of user labor is the key to answering these questions. Following Marx, we propose an alternate project in the field of digital labor research: historical social research instead of ontological debates. Instead of discussing whether user labor produces value in abstract, we regard value itself as a historical invention of capitalist society. In this way, the question of the economic significance of user-generated labor and the question of the capitalization of the platforms are in fact two formulations of the same question. This paper has four main arguments. First, what is the platform economy exactly? The platform economy is still a mode of capital accumulation centered on the possession of surplus value, but this mode was just established recently. Also, during its establishment, capital is making its way in some rather unusual ways. Second, the productivity of user labor. The traditional dualistic view of rent and labor does not fit user-generated labor. On the platforms, user-generated labor produces value, which transfers to the advertising department and is hidden in the form of rent immediately. In the platform economy, rent and labor are not two opposites. Rather, the transformation and concealment of the two is precisely the mechanism of capitalist exploitation. Third, the meaning of digital platforms for capitalism. The platform is not a simple spatial reproduction or traverse of capitalism, but a phenomenological interface between labor and employer which shapes their experience of labor relations. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 傳播學院博士班 106463507 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106463507 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201700 |
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