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Title: | 講英文,還是不講英文,真是個問題啊:以質性個案研究探討在臺灣英語教育政策下一位青年學習者的語言學習自主動能 To Speak English, or not to Speak English, that is the Question: A Qualitative Case Study on an Aspired Young Learner`s Language Learner Agency under English Education Policy in Taiwan |
Authors: | 羅峻豐 Lo, Chun-feng |
Contributors: | 招靜琪 Chao, Chin-chi 羅峻豐 Lo, Chun-feng |
Keywords: | 語言學習自主動能 臺灣英語教育政策 青年學習者 個案研究 Language learner agency English education policy in Taiwan Young learner Case study |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:25:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一般研究探討「語言學習自主動能」(Language Learner Agency, LLA),大致上會涉及到場域轉換的情形,例如出國唸書、交換學生、短期遊學…等。但是,我們在日常生活中,仍然看到很多人,完全沒有在英語系國家居住的經驗,卻把英語學習得非常好,究竟這些人的語言學習自主動能從何而來?既使身處英語為外語的臺灣,什麼動力使得他們願意投資如此多的時間在英語學習上面。關於這樣的議題,尚有研究的空間。 本研究透過Larsen-Freeman (2019)的複雜動態系統理論(CDST),以質性個案研究方法探討一位臺灣青年學習者 (國中生),在臺灣英語教育政策下,語言學習自主動能的開展。研究資料是由1筆敘事、4筆半結構訪談、兩次非正式談話與兩次課堂觀察所蒐集而來。研究結果顯示,從學齡前至國中階段,他的語言學習自主動能皆能維持在高點,並沒有因為在臺灣教育體制之下而降低。同時,研究結果也發現,與學習者互動的人事物才是這位學生語言學習成功的關鍵,尤其是家庭教育至關重大,家長在語言學習的歷程中,尤其是他母親扮演了最核心的角色。此外,本文也針對現行臺灣語言教育政策,搭配此位青年學習者的語言學習經歷進行討論,包括希冀家長們能夠負起責任,陪伴孩子共讀共學。在教學上,本研究建議英語教師回歸語言學習的本質,即是溝通功能,增加課堂使用英語的比例,並鼓勵學生使用英語來與教師和同儕互動,藉此提升語言學習自主動能。而這個案也讓我們看到在現今雙語教育政策下需要深思的議題,例如輕視自身語言、忽略其文化根源,對臺灣英語教學棄如敝屣,一味推崇西方英語教育體制。這樣的情形有待之後的研究進行後續追蹤,對臺灣的雙語教育政策做後續效益分析。 When it comes to Language Learner Agency (LLA), prior studies mainly zoomed into experiences that happened when individuals switched between contexts, such as studying abroad, short-term study abroad, being exchange students…and so forth. However, in our daily lives, we do encounter many people who were born, raised, and received English instruction in Taiwan but they are very fluent in English. How could they exercise their language learner agency without moving to any of the English-speaking countries? What makes them willing to invest so much time on English in the Taiwanese EFL context? This is a phenomenon that has not had sufficient research. Drawing on Larsen-Freeman’s (2019) Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST) of the learner agency, the present study examines a young learner’s development of LLA under the English Education Policy in Taiwan. Data were collected through one oral narrative, four semi-structured interviews, two informal conversations, and two class observations. Results indicates that the LLA of the participant remains high from preschool to junior high despite the fact that this young learner is situated in English education policy in Taiwan as an EFL country. At the same time, results also indicates that the key to his language learning achievement lies in interactions with his family members. In particular, parental involvement plays a paramount role in this learner’s language learning achievement. What’s more, the study emulates the participant to discuss the English Education Policy in Taiwan. Pedagogically, this study suggests that in order to enhance students’ LLA, TESOL practitioners should focus on the core of languages; that is, communicative functions. Trying to increase the percentage of class time devoted to using English for instruction and communication and encouraging students to use English to interact with others would be helpful. On the other hand, the participant also provides some food for thought under the current bilingual education policy in Taiwan, despising his/ her mother tongue, neglecting his/ her root of culture, contempting English teaching in Taiwan, and advocating education system in western world are included. The follow-up studies are needed in order to have the benefit analysis toward bilingual education policy in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 108951002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108951002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201689 |
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