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Title: | 陰謀論在主流媒體的再現分析: 以Covid-19陰謀論為例 Analysis of the Representation of Conspiracy Theories in Mainstream Media: The Case of Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories |
Authors: | 程彥諄 Cheng, Yen-Chun |
Contributors: | 鄭宇君 Cheng, Yu-Chung 程彥諄 Cheng, Yen-Chun |
Keywords: | 陰謀論 新冠病毒 新聞框架 媒體偏向 媒體再現 Conspiracy theory Covid-19 News framework Media bias Media representaion |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:23:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在於瞭解新聞媒體在新冠肺炎的相關報導中,如何對陰謀論內容進行再現,特別關注的是繁體中文新聞媒體如何報導、呈現陰謀論內容,研究者對新冠陰謀論報導樣本進行量化與質化的文本分析,以瞭解新聞媒體如何合併新聞敘事與陰謀論敘事二者看似相矛盾、實際相互頗有重疊的敘事手法。 在研究設計方面,本研究以台灣事實查核中心所公佈的查核報告中與新冠病毒相關的七項陰謀論為出發,搜尋繁體中文的相關新聞報導,總共獲得534則新聞報導為分析樣本,進行類目分析與文本分析。 研究者對於各則樣本進行媒體類型、媒體偏向、媒體所在地等類目進行編碼分析,本研究發現媒體偏向(立場傾向中國或反對中國)會影響媒體對於特定陰謀論報導的偏好。在中美對立、新冠病毒肆虐的背景下,繁體中文媒體會依照其偏好的政治立場,對有利或不利中國的新冠陰謀論採取不同的報導策略:強調該陰謀論的「宣傳」、意圖反對或拆穿陰謀論觀點的「反駁宣傳」、只以科普介紹該陰謀論的「客觀報導」三者。 最後,綜合本研究對於新冠陰謀論報導的類目與文本分析結果,本研究試圖提出分析陰謀論之媒體再現的理論模型,融合媒體偏向、宣傳策略、新聞框架與敘事元素,提供後續研究者做為參考。 The purpose of this study is to understand how the news media reproduce the content of conspiracy theories in the COVID-19 related reports. Special attention is paid to how traditional Chinese news media report and present the content of conspiracy theories. The researchers conduct quantitative and qualitative text analysis on the samples of COVID-19 conspiracy theory reports. To understand how the news media combines the seemingly contradictory but actually overlapping narrative techniques of the news narrative and the conspiracy narrative. In terms of research design, based on seven conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus published by the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center, this study searched for news reports in traditional Chinese. A total of 534 news reports were obtained as analysis samples for category analysis and text analysis. The author conducted coding analysis for each sample by media type, media bias, media location and other categories. This study found that media bias (pro-China or anti-China stance) would affect the media`s preference for reporting specific conspiracy theories. , the new crown virus epidemic in China and the United States under the background of that traditional Chinese media will be in accordance with the preferences of political stance, the advantage or disadvantage of China`s new champions league conspiracy theories reports take different strategies: emphasize the conspiracy theory "propaganda", intent against or expose the conspiracy theory point of view of "counter propaganda", science is only to show the "objective reports" three conspiracy theories. Finally, based on the categorization and text analysis results of the coverage of COVID-19 conspiracy theories, this study attempts to propose a theoretical model for analyzing the media representation of conspiracy theories, integrating media bias, propaganda strategies, news framework and narrative elements, so as to provide a reference for subsequent researchers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464031 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201696 |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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