題名: | 新創企業與大型企業加速器之關係研究 A Study on the relationship between Startups and Corporate Accelerators |
作者: | 高瑋彤 Kao, Wei-Tung |
貢獻者: | 鄭至甫 Jeng, Jyh-Fu 高瑋彤 Kao, Wei-Tung |
關鍵詞: | 企業加速器 新創企業 開放式創新 Corporate accelerator Startup Open innovation |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-12-02 15:15:01 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 企業加速器的蓬勃發展,幫助新創企業在資源匱乏時尋求協助,有效的企業加速器除了作為大型企業開放式創新的實踐,同時對新創企業提供有價值的服務。台灣大型企業建置的加速器數量增加,越來越多新創企業選擇在發展階段加入企業加速器,透過加速器計畫的服務協助自身成長,計畫結束後,更有機會與大型企業展開合作關係,或是進入大型企業的客戶生態圈。 先前有關企業加速器的文獻探討,多討論國外企業加速器與企業之間的互動,對於台灣的新創企業與加速器較少討論。本研究使用質性研究的多重個案研究法,以目前台灣曾經參與過大型企業加速器的新創企業作為主要研究對象,輔以一間大型企業加速器,探討新創企業如何透過企業加速器取得自己所需資源並且成長,深入了解新創企業參與企業加速器的過程,同時以雙方視角看待企業加速器與新創企業間的關係。 本研究發現,多數企業加速器有滿足新創企業加入前的期望,企業加速器對於新創企業的主要協助在於拓展新創企業的客戶、提升市場上知名度,以及建立屬於新創企業的人脈網絡,企業加速器也應提供不同專業的導師,提供更廣泛的知識來源。同時,企業加速器也可作為新創企業的開放式創新實踐;企業加速器與新創企業的關係多數會隨著加速器計畫的結束而變弱,但若新創企業成為大型企業的合作夥伴,即會與大型企業持續產生連結。企業加速器與新創企業在整個創業生態系統中互利共生,共同促進整個生態系統的發展。未來企業加速器的競爭會漸趨激烈,本研究建議企業加速器在建置時需考量新創企業的利益如何與大型企業的利益融合;新創企業也應根據自身需求篩選出最符合自身利益之企業加速器。 The vigorous development of corporate accelerators can help startups to seek assistance when their resources are less. In addition to being an open innovation practice for large corporate, an effective corporate accelerator can also provide valuable services to new startups. The number of corporate accelerators in Taiwan has increased. More and more start-ups choose to join corporate accelerators in the development stage. They can grow through the services of the accelerator program and enter the customer ecosystem of a large corporate. Previous literature discussions on corporate accelerators have mostly discussed the interaction between foreign corporate accelerators and startups, and less discussed about Taiwan`s startups and accelerators. This research uses the multiple case study method of qualitative research, taking the startups that have participated in large-scale corporate accelerators in Taiwan as the main research object, supplemented by large corporate accelerators, to explore how startups can obtain what they need and resources through the corporate accelerator so that they can grow. And understand the process of startups participating in corporate accelerators, and looking at the relationship between corporate accelerators and startups from their perspectives respectively. This study found that most corporate accelerators have met the expectations of startups. The main assistance of corporate accelerators for startups is to expand the customers of startups, enhance their reputation in the market, and establish a network. Corporate accelerators should also provide mentors in different specialties, providing a broader source of knowledge. At the same time, corporate accelerators can also be used as open innovation practices for startups; most of the relationship between corporate accelerators and startups will weaken with the end of the accelerator program, but if startups become partners of large corporates, they will continue to have connections with large corporates. Corporate accelerators and startups coexist with mutual benefit in the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem, and jointly promote the development of the ecosystem. In the future, the competition of corporate accelerators will become increasingly fierce. It is suggested that the establishment of corporate accelerators should consider how the interests of startups and integrated them with those of large corporates; startups should also select the corporate accelerator that best suits their own interests according to their own needs. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364109 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364109 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201671 |
顯示於類別: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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