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Title: | 美國低估中共威脅之成因(2001-2017) Why Has the United States Underestimated the Threat of China, 2001-2017? |
Authors: | 施竣耀 Shih, Jyun-Yao |
Contributors: | 丁樹範 Ding, Shu- Fan 施竣耀 Shih, Jyun-Yao |
Keywords: | 美國決策過程 美國國家安全政策 美國對華政策 美中關係 威脅評估 U.S. decision-making process U.S. national security policy U.S. policy toward China U.S.-China relations Threat assessment |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:34:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要
2017年《美國國家安全戰略報告》宣布將中共視為「戰略競爭者」後,形同承認過去低估中共對美國的威脅。本文嘗試解釋,為何在小布希與歐巴馬兩任總統任內,雖已經發現中共威脅美國利益,卻依然沒有採取行動。本文認為是後冷戰更為複雜的國際環境所致。特別是威脅的種類多元化與威脅特性複雜化。而多樣化的威脅轉移美國對中共的注意力。另一方面,美國對中共的威脅評估也日益複雜,敵我難分。導致小布希與歐巴馬雖然發現中共對美國的威脅,然而卻因為國際環境的影響而低估中共的威脅。 Abstract
After the 2017 National Security Strategy Report announced that it regarded the CCP as a “strategic competitor," it was an admission that it had underestimated the CCP`s threat to the United States in the past. This article attempts to explain why, during the two presidencies of Bush Jr. and Obama, it has been found that the CCP threatens the interests of the United States, but the threat of the CCP is still underestimated. This article argues that it is caused by the post-Cold War international environment, which is more complex than the Cold War period. In particular, the types of threats are diversified and the characteristics of threats are complicated. And the threat of diversification diverts American attention from the CCP. On the other hand, the U.S. threat assessment of the CCP has become increasingly complex, and the enemy is indistinguishable. As a result, although Bush and Obama discovered the threat of the CCP to the United States, they underestimated the threat of the CCP because of the impact of the international environment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 東亞研究所 107260002 |
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